Friday, May 24, 2013

Kyle’s Graduation

(Edwardsville, IL) Hi 68 Lo 45 -- Jim got up in the middle of the night to turn on the heat. It’s almost June, what’s up with that?

We didn’t have anything planned until later in the evening, but we wanted to see downtown Edwardsville and Jim needed a haircut. He's been letting his hair and beard grow since February, and he wanted to get a trim. We found a small barbershop downtown operated by a gal who's the third generation owner of the shop. It's the first time Jim's been in a barbershop in years (I've been giving him 'buzz' cuts).

We stopped at a Shop 'n Save to stock up on grandkid-approved snacks for the boys' sleep over with us tomorrow night. I’ve never been in a Shop 'n Save before, and I’m impressed. I got a lot more than planned, but the low prices made it worth it.

We only had a couple hours at home then we left for Kyle’s 8th grade graduation. The family was only allowed six tickets so we were glad we got to go. We stood in line before the doors opened so we could get good seats with chair backs, otherwise we’d be sitting on the bleachers. The ceremony started at 7:30 and it was over in less than an hour. There were 243 graduating.
2013-05-24 kyles 8th grade graduation (4)

Kendall, Angie, Kyle and Frank
2013-05-24 kyles 8th grade graduation angie kyle frank kendall (4)

Kyle is wearing a Junior Achievement Medal. He was selected for J.A. last year and has maintained a 3.6 GPA both years. We’re so proud of him!
2013-05-24 kyles 8th grade graduation (9)

His diploma.
2013-05-24 kyles 8th grade graduation (15)

We were all hungry so we stopped at Dairy Queen for a quick bite. It was a late night, but very enjoyable. School is now out for the boys, so let the summer begin!

1 comment:

A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

What a handsome young man! Must take after his grandfather LOL. That is so nice that you could be there for his graduation.

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