Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Watching Storms

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 80 Lo 62 -- The first order of business was to take down the Christmas lights outside. A line of storms was coming in from the west and the lights weren't secure enough for the 40 mph gusts that were predicted. Jim un-hooked the sun screen and pulled in the awning, and I got all the lights inside and outside put away.

Judy came over to get me for a walk, so I got my mile in today. It was windy but it felt good and kept us cool. We watched the dark clouds come in and the winds increased, then it started to rain. It only lasted about 15 minutes, but it did knock out our satellite for a few minutes. Once it passed us it was sunny and cooler. It's supposed to get down to around 49 tonight, but then back to the warm weather by Friday. Love this Florida weather!

I worked on our budget and sorted all the receipts from the year. I keep them awhile just in case there's questions about something we paid for. Going through all the receipts brought back nice memories of where we were throughout the last year.  I'm all ready for the new year and next year's travels.

Jim's still suffering from a cold. This is his first bad cold since we've been on the road. I feel partly to blame; I think he got it from me. He basically stayed in his recliner all day and read, either his book or on the computer.

Things are pretty dead in the park this week, with most of the normal activities on hold until after the holidays. The days should start getting longer now that winter has started. I hate the short days and long nights.

We stayed in the rest of the evening. Not much going on, but that's the way it is in the retired life.

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