Saturday, December 1, 2012

New Neighbors

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 77 Lo 54 -- I couldn't wait to meet with our new neighbors. Jim and Judy got here last evening while we were gone, and we got home too late to bother them. We've been following each others' blogs for a long time. They decided a few months back to come to our park for a couple months, and by luck they got the site right next to us.

We met them late this morning and talked for a couple of hours. Later I showed Judy the clubhouse, laundry and where other things are located around the park.

This afternoon Jim helped me hang some Christmas lights, and I put up our small tree. Jim set out to change the oil in our Onan generator. He drained the oil and then went out to get new oil, a filter, and a filter removal tool. It turned out he had bought the wrong filter and is having trouble finding the right size. By this time it was late in the afternoon and a lot of places were closed, so he'll continue his search on Monday. The generator has no oil in it at the moment, so we have to be sure we don't start it up. :-)  Jim also dumped and back-flushed our tanks, so they're good for another two weeks.

When it got dark Jim went outside and took a picture of our lights.

We settled in for the evening with TV and chat.  We got a lot accomplished today.


Tom and Marci said...

Love the lights!!

Rod Ivers said...

I usually have to buy an Onan original equipment filter from an RV place... Never had much luck finding other brands that crossed.... Your mileage may vary.... Rod

owensontheroad said...

Love the lights! Very festive :)

Gail Houle said...

Looks like you decked your halls! Beautiful lights!

Unknown said...

Looks very festive!

GGuncle said...

nice job, Jim!

Karen and Al said...

I wondered if you knew Jim and Judy. Nice to have them as neighbors, I bet.

We may get festive and put some lights up when we get back to Tampa.

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