Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kick Back Sunday

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 79  Lo 59 -- Sunday is usually when we hang around the rig and I sometimes don't even get out of my jammies. It's a laid back day most of the time. We do miss the NASCAR races, but Jim sometimes watches football, especially when his Dolphins are on TV. I crocheted all morning, then decided to tackle the budget for last month and start working on next year's budget. A lot of people don't bother with a budget. Their feeling is, if there's money in the bank they buy things, if not they don't. I have to have more control than that, I want to know where it's going. Also, doing spreadsheets and formulas keeps my mind active.

It got too hot to walk and when it cooled down I was too lazy, so I skipped today. I'll have to walk farther tomorrow to catch up. I'm hoping to get up earlier in the morning to walk with Kathleen.

It was a great day of not doing much.


Jim and Judy said...

Judy and I wondered why we hadn't seen you and Jim.

owensontheroad said...

I worked on our budget and all my spreadsheets the other day. I agree..keeps the mind active, even if I don't like what I see :)

squawmama said...

Always good to have a kick back day!!!
Have fun

Dan and Tricia said...

We keep track of every dime we spend! We have a budget and hit it head on the first year of full-timing. We are still on track!

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