Thursday, November 15, 2012

Our 2012 Travels Come To An End

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 74 Lo 61 – We didn't have to hurry today, but we have such a set routine on our travel days that we always seem to roll out around 10am. This morning was no different. We hated to leave our paradise site in Pelican Roost RV Park at the Mayport Naval Station. But this morning was just as windy and chilly as yesterday, so that made it easier. Before we left we got to see a few more ships come and go.  (Click on the pictures to enlarge).

We were ready to pull out and the slides came in with no problems. Jim hit the button to raise the front of the rig to hitch up and... nothing. Uh oh. He hit the emergency retract button and it worked. But it pulled the legs up, which he couldn't do until we're hitched. He went inside the front generator bay where the Big Foot wiring is and checked all the connections. They looked good. There was one small fuse which is pulled out to check. It looked good. He wiped off the connectors and plugged it back in and the system came on. We were good to go. Whew!

Jim went online yesterday and found a truck wash right on U.S. 27 on the way to our destination in Avon Park. He called them and made an appointment to have our rig washed. We arrived early afternoon, and after waiting for two trucks to get their trailers washed out Jim backed into the wash bay. We went to get some lunch and by the time we got back it was done. The price was right too, $1.00 per foot, for a total of $37.00. The guy was even nice enough to wash down the truck for no extra charge. The rig and truck are now nice and clean and rid of all the salt we accumulated the last two windy days.

This is a bittersweet day. We’re both ready for some down time after our busy summer. We're here for about five months. I get hitch itch (need to travel) a lot faster than Jim, so we may do occasional short trips around Florida during the winter. But we're in a great park with a lot of activities and some good friends. The park also has some day trips scheduled that we may consider.  It was 75 degrees and sunny here when we arrived, and we’re back to shorts and t-shirts. And our nice heated swimming pool is beckoning.

Our site

People aren't in yet across the street.

We're right beside the tennis courts.

We’ll continue to post daily, but forgive us if some of the posts are a little boring. Thanks for reading!


Gail Houle said...

Jealous! It's kind of chilly back here in NC. It's time for us to head south too! Looks like a really nice park.

Jim and Sandie said...

I'm the one with hitch itch in our family also. But we sit still here in AZ for several months so Jim can do some fishing. I do get to go to Q in January which helps to break up the sitting.

Mike and Terri said...

Boy you can't beat that price for washing your rig!

Sunny and 75 sounds wonderful!

Nancy and Bill said...

Glad you arrived at your Winter Nest save and sound;o)) We are so jealous of that weather...cold and windy here in SC.

Dan and Tricia said...

Looks like a nice place to hang out for the winter! Send some of that warm weather to SC and NC please!

Robert and Debra said...

With all the nice warm weather, you will need to get in line for the Lawn Mower and mow your patch of grass !!!!

owensontheroad said...

Warmer weather sounds good to us too. It's looking like Texas should be nice.

Travels with Emma said...

What a bargain on getting the rig washed!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Warming up on the shffleboard courts?

John and Carol said...

We have never tried an RV wash place. That sure wad reasnable. Thanks for the info

Welcome home!

Jim and Judy said...

Judy and I are looking forward to joining you and Jim in a couple of weeks. I hope we go by that RV wash on the way down 27 from Chiefland.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Oh your blogs are never boring! Glad you guys were able to troubleshoot and figure out the wiring to get on the road. WHEEEEE And squeaky clean too!

Karen and Steveio
(Old Blog Name) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard
(New Blog Name) RVing: This Country Is Our Big Backyard

Bob and Jo said...

We are jealous about your weather as we are stuck in Kansas city for the winter. Good job on troubleshooting the Bigfoot system.

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