Friday, November 16, 2012

First Day Went Fast in Our Winter Nest

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 67 Lo 57 -- I had today all planned out so it was easy getting up this morning to get the day going. I didn't read any blogs, but I did get all my online games caught up and read emails. It was very cloudy and chilly, we must have brought it with us.

I went over to the club house to join the Happy Hookers, a knitting/crochet group that meets at 10am every Friday. There's not many here in the park yet, but there was still a good turnout. The gals make afghans, blankets and anything that's either crocheted or knitted, then donate them to organization that help the needy. It was neat seeing all the blankets made over the summer months. I'm not sure if I'll sit and do a blanket, but I am learning some of the stitches that are required for a vest I want to make.

I was there just over an hour, then came back home to pick up Jim and we went to Sebring to re-activate our Century Link DSL internet account. Just like last year the park wi-fi, which costs per month, is very slow. And there's no Verizon 4G in this area, and our 3G wireless is very slow and erratic. We used Century Link last winter and loved it, so we're going with them again. I want to do some Skype calls with the kids, grand kids, and mom, and we'll need good connection for that. We picked up our wireless router from the Century Link office, but they still have to come out on Monday start our connection.

When we left there we looked for a car wash. My car's a mess from the salt air last week. We found a place that had good prices (starting at $5.00 for a basic wash). I loved this sign at the entrance. (Click to enlarge.)

Nothing like some chicken tenders with your car wash. :)

We came back home and went to Kathleen and Jon's to get caught up and make some plans on what we want to do this winter. We met them here last year and became good friends. I met Jon in the RV-Dreams Chatroom, and last year he surprised me by showing up at a pool party soon after we arrived. Kathleen says we met on the internet. :-)  After sitting and talking with them for awhile we came back home and got a few more things setup for our long stay. We put out our flags and name sign, and tomorrow we'll get our patio rug and sun blocker set up.

Tonight we're going to the club house for our first evening of card playing. It's going to be a great winter.

The first sunset.


owensontheroad said...

Just like you never left, very cool!

Speedy said...

We have missed reading your journal but we have been soooo busy. Looks like you two are having a blast and that is great!

Phyllis said...

Ah, down there in warmer weather - good for you.

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

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