Friday, November 9, 2012

Movie Day–Mayport Hosts College Basketball

(Mayport Navy Base, FL) Hi 67 Lo 44 – I’m a big James Bond fan, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing the new one that came out today, “Skyfall.”
We drove to a nearby multi-screen cinema (24 screens!) and had the opportunity to see the movie in the Imax “Enhanced Experience.” It was double the normal admission, but it was neat to see it on such a huge screen, and a fabulous sound system. And the movie was excellent! In my opinion the best Bond movie of the whole 50-year run. And that’s saying a lot from me, an old Sean Connery fan. (I’ve seen every Bond movie in a theater, starting with “Dr. No” in 1962. I wonder how many old folks can say that?)
On the way across the base we drive past several dock areas. Most of the ships are the familiar destroyers, frigates, and cruisers. But this uniquely designed ship caught our eye.
I'm not sure what type of ship it is. Any Navy folks out there who can help us out? If so, please leave a comment.
After the movie we stopped by the commissary to get a few things, then came home, where Dee went for a mile walk and I did the laundry. There’s a nice laundry room here at the park, and it’s free.
The base is really buzzing today because they’re hosting a college basketball game this evening between Florida and Georgetown. The game will be played on the deck of the USS Bataan, an 844-foot long amphibious assault ship. You can see the ship from our RV park.
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Here’s a little closer view.
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And here’s a close up of the temporary grandstands set up on the forward deck.
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Here’s a shot at sunset of the ship all lit up, getting ready for the game.
In case you’re interested in watching the game, it’s on the NBC Sports Channel (formerly called Versus) at 9pm tonight.
Tomorrow we get to meet up with our friends Ken and Cindy. Can’t wait!


Paul and Marti Dahl said...

That ship is the USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19). It is an amphibious landing dock capable of carrying 800 Marines and their equipment.

It looks funny because it is designed to be somewhat stealthy, its sides are designed to lower its radar signature.

It is a very new ship and the first to be named after a national park.

Tumbleweed Jim said...

Thanks Paul.

Barbara said...

Got to admit that I don't care a whit for college b-ball, but that sure is one pretty sight from the air. Thanks for the heads-up.

Nancy and Bill said...

Way to go Dee...Keep Walking :o))

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm curious about your camping location. It seems to be on a base, are all retired military welcome? How do we learn more? Thanks, Jan

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