Our good friends Ken and Cindy drove over from Pecan Park RV Resort, about 25 miles north of us. We met them outside the base at Safe Harbor Seafood Market and Restaurant where we had an excellent seafood lunch. (Click on photos to enlarge them.)

After lunch we brought them on base and showed them around our RV park. We eventually ended up down at the beach and walked around for awhile.
Ken and Cindy

Ken is testing the water. He says it’s on the cool side.

Cindy resting on the rocks.

There’s always someone fishing off the jetty.

The jetty goes out quite a ways.

This is the first time we’ve seen these long slender shells on the beach. Anyone know what kind of shellfish these are? They look and feel like long fingernails.

Hmm, wonder what this could be?

It was getting late and chilly, so Cindy and Ken headed home before it got dark. After they left we saw a Carnival cruise ship coming down the river, shining in the setting sun.

Not much of a sunset tonight due to the lack of clouds. Just this beautiful glow.

A great day in paradise. Tomorrow we'll visit Ken and Cindy on their turf at Pecan Park. It's Ken's birthday tomorrow and we'll help him celebrate it.
Nice day with nice people!! Please tell Ken and Cindy we said HELLO:o))
The shell is a Common Razor Clam shell. Here is a link: http://www.mitchellspublications.com/guides/shells/articles/0035/
Nice! We passed Pecan Park on the way out here to Fort Pickens. Looked like a nice one.
I figure that magnetic bldg is a jamming station:)
Sure looks like you had a great day
Life is good!
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