Thursday, November 8, 2012

Our Piece of Heaven

(Mayport Naval Station, FL) Hi 64 Lo 46 --  It was a very early start, but the sun was up and we were hitched up and, after a stop at the dump station, on the road by 9:00 as planned.

We had a good trip to Mayport Naval Station, just east of Jacksonville, FL. We stopped twice along the way, once for a bite of lunch and once just to stretch out legs. The total trip was almost seven hours, but there was very little traffic. We call Pelican's Roost, the Mayport famcamp, our piece of heaven. We have been on the road three years and we've seen some gorgeous areas, but this particular RV park is our favorite. It meets all of our requirements. It has a cement pad, full hookups (50 amp electric, water, and sewer), a beautiful "front yard" overlooking the inlet to the St. John's river, and lots of naval and civilian ship traffic to entertain us. The Atlantic Ocean beach is within walking distance, and there's a great clubhouse with lots of activities, free wi-fi, and free laundry.

Here's a few photos I took on today's trip.

Our lunch stop. Jim had to park with the "big boys."

Lots of bridges in this area. I don't like bridges!

Part of the huge Jacksonville port complex.

Once on the base we saw this formation of marines and sailors.

This is our site. It's so nice to see palm trees again.

The view of the water from our site with waves crashing on the jetty.

This is looking back at the RV park from the water. We're in the middle

Just to the left of the RV we have a view of some of the Navy ships.

I miss the campfires and being with the Carolina Clan, but I'm very happy in front of the water and in our favorite place. We'll be here a week with lots planned. Stay tuned.


Gail Houle said...

Beautiful! I see why you like it there so much...

Nancy and Bill said...

Nice Famcamp!! Very quiet here;o))

Ron and Cynthia said...

We're happy that you made it safely. Enjoy your week and all the great activities you have planned. We're going to be very busy too..I hope I have time to even read your blog!

Unknown said...

Looks like a beautiful spot. I could be amused all day watching the comings and goings on the water.

owensontheroad said...

I like the view! Very nice place to stay. We are loving Florida so far :)

Mike and Terri said...

Glad you had a safe trip today. Enjoy your week!!!

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

As you know Mayport one one of my duty stations and i loved the whole Jacksonville area, I was also assigned to NAS Jax, Loved flying south along the beach and looking at the sights.(girls). Have a great week. Sam & Donna..

Dan and Tricia said...

Looks like a nice (and warmer!) place to hang out for a week. Enjoy!

Chuck and Anneke's RV travels said...

It is a great famcamp, we were just there last week:)

Gin and Syl said...

Nice review of the CC Gathering but I can certainly understand why you wanted to get to Mayport. Looks like a great place. Good to hear that Dee is keeping up with the walking. Miss y'all.

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