Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Movie Day (Flight) - What's 'Zumba'?

(Avon, FL) Hi 72 Lo 55 -- The sun was out when I got up, which was a better start than the gloomy, cloudy day we had yesterday. I was up and out the door by 10:00 to see what Zumba is all about. I saw it on our list of activities, but had no idea what it involved. I soon found out. It's a fitness workout set to Latin music. We worked out with a video, and it was more movement than I've done in years. You can watch a sample here.

A couple of the gals doing the Zumba.

Watching the video.

I'd love to do some of the moves, but I have to get into a little better shape first. It sure is a great workout, and now I know what Zumba is all about.

After lunch went to Sebring to see the movie "Flight." It stars Denzel Washington, one of our favorite actors, and he was really good. We both loved the movie. The first half hour was one of the most exciting starts to a movie we've ever seen.

We went to see the movie "Lincoln." The theater we were at today has a poster for it on the wall, and they even showed a trailer for it, but they're not showing the movie! We asked, and they said that due to the complicated movie marketing and distribution system, they won't be showing it. Jim looked online and found out the closest theater we can see it is 35 miles away in Lakeland. Grrr! We'll probably make the trip next week anyway. We really want to see it. (Another reason we're looking for another park for next winter, to be closer to a large town with more entertainment options.)

We stopped at Walmart so I could get a few items for the Thanksgiving dinner at the clubhouse thisThursday afternoon. It was crowded, but not as bad as it will be tomorrow.  We had dinner and watched TV the rest of the evening.


Kevin Read said...

My (Kevin's) sister is a Zumba instructor! It's a heavy duty workout for people who are in shape to do it!

Gail Houle said...

My cousin Penny is into Zumba big time and she's really, really in shape. She wasn't before, but she sure is now :)

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

Critics I have heard are raving about the movie Lincoln....I'll wait to hear what you have to say, critics and I dont always agree. Personally will be staying away from all stores for a few days..too much madness for me.

owensontheroad said...

I have a Zumba DVD, but it's more fun in a group. Good for you for trying!

Jim and Sandie said...

Zumba and I would not make it five minutes. But I sure do like the music. We went to Walmart and it was such a zoo. We won't be going back again for awhile.

Dan and Tricia said...

Thanks for the info on the Denzel movie. It's one I want to see.

Bill Joyce said...

Diane has both the Zumba 1 and Zumba 2 games for Wii and loves them, especially #2. She has gone to Zumba classes and knows the dance steps.

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