Monday, November 5, 2012

Carolina Clan, Day Seven

(Murrells Inlet, SC) Hi 57 Lo 46 -- We had a hard time sleeping last night when we first went to bed. It was raining and apparently the rain was concentrating on some branches of the trees above us and dropping HARD on the slide out roof above our bed. Once it stopped raining, it was fine. TREES...grrrr!!

We just missed seeing Peggy and Gary leaving, shortly after Lee and Martha left. One by one people are moving on to their winter destinations. There's a storm coming in from the midwest, then heading up the east coast. We were going to leave tomorrow and stay a couple nights in Brunswick, GA then go on down to Jacksonville, FL. Jim did some weather research online and determined that we might get hitched up before the rain comes, but we'd likely be traveling right through the storm as we head south. So we decided to extend our stay here for two more days and leave on Thursday morning and  head directly to Jacksonville. It'll be a six and a half hour day, which is long for us, but we've done it before. It's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to weather, and we're glad we have the flexibility to change plans when we need to.

I went to the office and paid for our extra nights, then got together with a few people who were out and about this morning. It's so much cooler than yesterday, we were all wearing jackets. The sun is warm but the air is quite cool. A lot of people went for groceries today as they get ready to hit the road.

The photo below was included in our Carolina Clan, Day 5 post, but I'm re-posting it with the names added. Now we can remember each other when we gather again next year. (Click on photo to enlarge it.)

Two days ago we had a swap fest. It was more of a "giveaway"-fest, as everything was free. Here's some of the things that were brought to give away (some were un-claimed and ended up neatly placed by the dumptster with a "take me" sign): shower caddy (bill called it a spice rack), wire folding table, puzzle, small folding ladder, plate and cup holder, wine rack, plastic pasta steamer, two bike seat covers, bike rack, clothes dryer bar that attaches to the RV ladder, folding chair, and some small packaged items. 

We walked down to the beach and sat for a while. It was very chilly and Jim didn't dress warm enough, so we didn't stay long. Jim got out the grill and cooked up some chicken and a steak for dinner, then I went over to the campfire while Jim stayed in to watch the last James Bond movie of his 5-month weekly Bond marathon. He's now watched all 22 Bond movies and is ready for "Skyfall," which will be out this Friday.

Another wonderful day!


Kevin Read said...

We're doing the Bond marathon as well. We're up to "Man with the Golden Gun".

Unknown said...

From reading your blog and others, it sounds like the Carolina Clan event is one good time.

Ron and Cynthia said...

Thank you for writing and posting all the great photos and happenings during the CC gathering. It appeared that it was a memorable time and we hope to be a part of it soon. Today is an important day for us in our journey to full-time RVing. We have hopeful hearts..hoping that it will all work out. Have a safe trip to Florida.

Tom and Marci said...

Looks like you guys had a great time! I love the picture with the nametags -- great idea!

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...