Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Carolina Clan, Day Eight

(Murrells Inlet, SC) Hi 52 Lo 43 -- At the campfire last night we had s'mores and put the bag of marshmallows on top of the table. We weren't fast enough to see a raccoon go up on the table and take the bag. We heard it rustle with the bag trying to get into it a few minutes later. It came back a few times right up to our chairs looking for more. They're not afraid of people around here that's for sure. A little later two of them got into a fight. I guess they were fighting over who gets the most marshmallows.

It was cold and rainy this morning but nothing like we thought it would be. We could have traveled today with no problems, but we're not losing out on anything by staying another couple of days. We said goodbye to two couples that left today, Rick and Gail, and Laurie and George. We'll see some of the couples in Florida this winter, but the rest we won't see till whenever our paths cross again.

I forgot to add another picture last night. I was sitting outside with Selene and Hank and this man came by with an airplane. We thought it was a model airplane but it was a kite plane that he's been working on for a year. It flies well upside down, but he was trying to make it fly right side up. There wasn't enough wind to try it and he had to leave for home to Canada today.

We decided to escape the cold and go to a movie. Terri and Mike came with us to see Argo.

Terri and Mike

When we got inside the theater there wasn't any ticket windows. We finally saw a couple of long lines in front of kiosks. That's how you buy your tickets at this theater. More jobs eliminated by automation. Here's Jim getting our tickets.

We got our tickets ok, but Mike and Terri were in another line and their machine stopped working. We had to chase down an employee to get it going again. (It needed paper.) Sure seemed like a lot of bother for something that's supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable! But we ended up seeing a wonderful movie. We're sure it will be up for some Oscar nominations. We all thought it was excellent, one of the best of the year (so far).

On the way back to the RV when we went over the causeway, the sun was shining on the marsh.

I made some dinner then I went to the campfire and Jim stayed home to watch the election returns. He's a political junkie, so he'll be up all night if necessary till there's a decision. I hope everyone voted.


owensontheroad said...

We sure miss everyone already! We are sitting in a WalMart parking lot in Summerville, SC on our way to Walkabout Campground in Woodbine, GA.
I hope we see you sooner than later!

Jessica Riker said...

I'm here in NY right now doing the same thing! Love election evening! :)

Mike and Terri said...

Good way to spend a cold afternoon. . . once we finally got our tickets! :-)

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