Saturday, August 13, 2011

Where Are We??

(Joliet, IL) Hi  82 Lo 61 -- I've noticed during our travels that sometimes when I get up in the morning I have to think a moment to remember where we are. And even when I know where we are, I'm still missing some information, especially when watching local news or weather reports on storms, like what county we're in. And when I'm reading blogs, people will give the name of the city they're in, but not the state. Then I realize that a city name could be in several states. I can't remember a lot of places we've been, so I'm glad I've kept a very good record of what parks and cities and states we've been in (located to the right on the blog). This lifestyle makes you think, what day is it? What time is it? And where are we? It just can't get any better!

My memory is as good as ever,
it's just not as long.

We did something when we woke up this morning that we seldom ever do, we turned on the TV and just laid there together watching the morning news. That makes for a relaxing start of the day!

One side of our kitchen sink has been draining very slow, so Jim climbed under the sink and took apart the pipes and cleaned them out.

After that project was over we decided to check out another campground about five miles from us.  Leisure Park Resort is quite nice.  It's a large park and has a swimming lake, fishing lake, lots of activities, a pool, and two huge recreation buildings. It's a membership resort, but they have plenty of lots available for transients. It's $27 a night with Passport America or Good Sams memberships. They don't take reservations, but the lady in the office told us that they've never turned anyone away except for holiday weekends. There aren't a whole lot of RV parks in the Chicago area, so it's nice to have another option when we visit this area.

After a stop at Wal-Mart to get a few groceries we got back to the park just in time for some very hard rain and storms. We needed the RV washed after the travels the past few days so we welcomed the rain.


Margie and Roger said...

It's nice that you tell the day-to-day stuff of a full-time RVer (fixing the sink, going to Walmart, etc. etc.). Full-time wannabees need to know that there is still the day-to-day things that have to be done - it isn't always about running here and there looking at museums, etc.

In the mornings I almost always wake up and my first thought is, where am I? What day is it? Life is good.

Rick and Elaine NB said...

nice to have mother nature wash the rig for you...gotta love that...I'm the same way with 'what day is this' and am forever asking 'what time is it'...hoping its close to happy hour...but you know with this life style every hour is happy hour...we still do all the day to day things the same as we would in the stix and bricks...enjoy your stay...hope the storm wasn't too bad,,,

Gypsy said...

I wrote about the same thing today - never can remember what state Lewiston is in!

Jim and Sandie said...

When we are really on the move, I don't even try to figure out where I am until after I'm up and moving. Then hopefully, I can figure it out. Or not.

Budd said...

Dee, I am very appreciative that you make the effort to figure out where you are and then always post your city and state (and the weather) in your blog. Most bloggers don't and like you said, many states have cities with the same names.

I find it hard enough to remember where I am so how in the heck am I supposed to remember where each of a couple of dozen traveling bloggers were when they last posted?

To be honest, I don't care much where I am as long as I am still aware that I am. Inside DaKotR, every day is the same so until I step outside, it does not really matter much to us.

In the process of waking up it seems to be far more important to remember all the little routine things that must be done, like putting my CPAP mask and ear plugs where Katie can't eat them (she loves silicone rubber things). Next on the list is guessing how many days it has been since I last dumped the black tank. I like to do it right before showers or washing clothes so it all gets flushed out nicely.

Speaking of blog content, few bloggers mention their own name in their blogs so sometimes it takes some deduction to figure out which of a couple, has posted today's blog.

Enjoying the heck out of your's and Jim's, though.

squawmama said...

I don't usually forget or have a moment about where we are... our standing joke is the view out our windows. We say LOOK another new view! Todays view is peaceful and private... and yes Margie is right that not everyday is full of adventure. We still have things that need to be taken care of.
Glad you're enjoying yourself
Have fun & Travel safe

Diane and Rich said...

Have been following your blog for severeal months now. One of the best. Really appreciate the detail you put into the blog, especially the park reviews. Wife and I are both retired, not full time RVers but travel as often as we can. Have started our own blog to share our own adventures, "Traveling with Diane & Rich"

Speedy said...

Well I am real impressed that Jim is taking up plumbing. I don't see any bottom crack so he is a little more dignified than most plumbers! LOL

Have fun

Joe and Sherri

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