Saturday, August 27, 2011

Block Party in Chicago - Rocket to the Sky

(Joliet, IL)  Hi 82  Lo 57 -- Another perfect day, weather-wise. We would like to let all our friends know that we heard from our family in Morehead City, NC. Their area suffered very little structural damage, but lots of power lines and trees are down, and many areas are flooded. But our family didn't suffer any damage, and except for being without electricity, everyone is fine. We’re so relieved. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

We started the day early. We met our son at his house and then we all left for Chicago to attend a block party fund-raiser for the local American Legion. Of course the traffic was horrible, as it seemingly always is in Chicago. There were a lot of low-lying clouds that hung over the skyline and hid the top of the Sears Tower. (I don't think it's called the Sears Tower anymore, but I don't know what it was changed to. It'll always be the Sears Tower to us.)

The block party was in a quaint Chicago neighborhood called Boys Town. The American Legion Post was on the corner and the block party actually only covered about a half a block. Rick plays drums for his company's band. They call themselves "The Deliverables." Cute. They play cover versions of popular rock classics, and they're very good! We haven’t heard Rick play drums since Jim’s 50th birthday party, which was a LONG time ago! :)  He sure sounded great! We're so proud of him.

"The Deliverables," with Rick on the drums.
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There was a couple games to play, along with some really good grilled brats and burgers. And of course beer and other beverages. The Deliverables was the first of a series of bands that were scheduled to play all day and throughout the evening.

Jack, Jim, Laura and Joey.
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Jack and Grandma
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Rick gave Jack his first lessons in chess. For a six year old he sure learns quick. A few more games and he’ll have the moves down.
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When we got back to the house we assembled a model rocket that Rick bought for jack.
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Then we went to a ball field at a local school to launch it. I was amazed how far up it went.
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It was a little too windy for the size of the field we were in, and after the rocket soared way, way up and then started to float down under its parachute, the wind carried it into a nearby neighborhood. We followed it as best we could, then hiked over to where we thought it landed. But with the tall trees all around, and not wanting to traipse all over people's yards, we were unable to find it. Rick says he’ll get another one, and next time he'll put a note on it with his phone number in case he loses it again and someone finds it.
We called it a day and had dinner at Culver's, then headed home. The sun was setting and it was right in my eyes, and I got in a wrong lane and wandered off of I-80 and onto another expressway. We now have a couple more tolls charged to our E-Z Pass because of our foul up. Oh well, what's another 30 cents here and there. We finally got home and turned on the NASCAR race at Bristol. It’s one of our favorite tracks.


Jim and Sandie said...

Great race tonight. But I sure didn't expect Brad to win it. Looks like you had a wonderful day with the kids.

GGuncle said...


squawmama said...

I am glad to hear that all of your family are ok... praise be! Looks like the block party was really fun!!!
Travel safe

Gin and Syl said...

Glad to hear that your family in Morehead is ok. Needless to say, we had our fingers crossed yesterday. Stay safe.

Diane and Rich said...

We are also glad to hear that relatives in NC are safe. We experienced hurricane Hugo many years ago when it made landfall at Charleston SC. Took over three weeks in some areas to get power back. We have reservations on Cape Hatteras in a few weeks. Have not been able to get any info on that area yet as all media attention is still on the storm as it pushes into the New England area.

Rick and Elaine NB said...

so relieved to hear your families are all safe and sound...I knew there were in NC and wondered all weekend...looks like you enjoyed a great day with your son and grand....

KarenInTheWoods said...

Wow.. that rocket is too cool! What a fun project and gives Jim a chance to play and be a kid again!!!

(catching up on blogs here)

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

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