Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tank Dump and Dentist Appointment

(Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada) Hi 73 Lo 62, Rain and Humid -- Off and on rain was forecast for today so I got up a little earlier this morning so we could dump our tanks between rain showers. Jim was up before me and kept an eye on the radar.  We decided we had a gap in the rain around 9:30, so we hitched up and Jim towed about 200 feet to the dump station. When we returned to our site we were able to set up a few feet farther to our right, which gave our neighbor a little more room in their "front yard."

We got only a few sprinkles the rest of the morning, and the sun even came out later in the afternoon. I chatted with a few people online, but our wi-fi signal is so weak that I had to sit in the bedroom where it's a bit better. The booster that Jim is using is working to get him online, but even it sometimes has trouble holding the signal. We're making it and the blog is getting done.  I can't play games as much as I'd like, but it's ok. We don't need to be on computers 24 hours a day. If something happens that I don't post, it's because we couldn't get a connection.

Later this afternoon Jim went to the dentist to have his broken tooth pulled. The filling came out and it's a wisdom tooth, so the decision was to take it out. He's recovering this evening and doing fine. All he could manage for dinner was some soup.

If Jim's up to it we'll be out and about (or as our Canadian friends say, oot and aboot) tomorrow. :)


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

We don't either, we say owt and abowt.

JB said...

As my American friends say, I hope all y`all are having a great time.

Carol Kerr said...

Sounds like an exciting day! Hope Jim continues to feel better.

Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...