Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Day In (TV, PC, Reading)

(Richmond, VA) Hi 83 Lo 57 -  We planned a low key day and that's exactly what we did.  The Indianapolis 500 time trials were the highlight of the day.  Jim loves the Indy 500 and he doesn't miss the time trials unless there's something really important going on. He's worried that it will rain at Indy next Sunday and the race will be postponed until Monday, our next travel day.

I read blogs most of the day, and did a few PC searches as I thought about them.  I wanted a weather app on my Droid phone, and found one (Weather Bug) that automatically updates weather information at your location no matter where you are. It also has radar. I like to know while traveling to our new areas if there's storms around us.

I also did some searches on geocaches around the area.  I'd like to take Terri and Mike out to show them what geocaching is all about. There's 20 of them within just a few miles. I'm not sure what day we'll go, but that will be a nice day outdoors.

I did a walk around the park, mainly to get a little exercise, and to check out the rest of the park.  It's really nice. It's quieter in the back area away from I-95, but the trees would keep us from getting satellite, so we're fine where we are.   We'll be here another week, and more people are coming in. It will be interesting to see how many RV's arrive for this coming holiday weekend.

I see in the midwest there's more tornadoes; please stay safe everyone in that area.


Mike and Terri said...

Looking forward to geocaching and other fun stuff. We're having a blast!

GGuncle said...

on sat. blog entry you said you broke the calk gun. Humm! i want you on my side in a fight. HA HA dom...
P.S. I'm up to over 1200 caches.

squawmama said...

Glad you had such a great day of relaxing... The storms are very scary this year!!!
Have fun & Travel safe

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...