Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Said Goodbye's

(Wauchula, FL) Hi 82 Lo 60 --  I'd like to remind everyone, if you have a question, please email us so we can give you an answer. Send your email to

We got up early so we could say goodbye to Sharon and Jim.  Sharon (Jim's sister) and her friend Jim came for a visit from North Carolina on Tuesday. They came over about 9:00, we visited awhile then they left.  It's such a lonely day today without them.  What a great time we've had even though it was only a day and half. Thanks you two for taking the time to visit us.

I went to Walmart for a few items then back home and cleaned up the place.  Jim had a doctor appointment in Arcadia so was gone awhile.   I went to the neighbors to talk to them a bit, they're leaving next week.  The neighbors on the other side of us are leaving Sunday.  Five RV's left today. The snowbirds are starting to leave, so by the end of March there will be very few left.  We had the place to ourselves in November, and it looks like we'll be one of the last to leave. This is a view of our site (we're in the middle).

Jim did the laundry when he got back.  It was real windy so we had to keep the awning in today.  The temperatures have been perfect to sit outside, but not today with the wind.  Jim got the grill out and cooked some pork ribs, then we settled in for the evening.

34 days left before we head North


Jeff said...

You're so right about rvers heading back north. Yesterday we drove south on I-75 from Brooksville (SR 50) exit down to Brandon (SR 60) and saw a bunch, I mean many motorhomes and 5ers headed north.We had to make a trip to our stix-n-brix home in Valrico and stopped at Camping World on way back to here to Crystal River yesterday pm.I don't know what their hurry is....gas prices ????

Carol Kerr said...

Seems a bit early to head north to us, but who can say...

Jessica Riker said...

I AM up north, and it definitely seems too early to us! LOL But maybe people aren't coming this far north. :) When we are on the road, we won't be heading back north until April or early May. :)

squawmama said...

I agree... people are pulling out of our park too... I think that most pull out in March and take thier time heading back home. Lets try to get together again before you head back home.
Have a great day & travel safe

Jeannie and Eldy said...

Pretty's a great time of year NOT to be heading north!

owensontheroad said...

Yup, they're heading north. I see 5-6 rigs north 81 every day, and more on the weekends. Even the geese are flying back :)

PS, I love your new picture header with the hot air balloon..beautiful!

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...