Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Jim Got His Droid X , Now to Keep Them Apart

IMG_7297 (WinCE) (Small)
(Wauchula, FL) –  After the morning routine I headed to Walmart for the first of the month groceries.  It’s not the first yet, but it’s supposed to rain tomorrow and I really needed to stock up so I cheated and went today.
I was in and out in no time with a cart full of stuff. Then had to make room in the refrigerator and freezer to get everything put away.  I made it, but it’s sure packed. It won’t take long to get it emptied again.

Jim went for his walk and then I left to play shuffleboard. One of us needed to stay at the RV to wait for the FedEx truck. Jim took advantage of a black Friday deal and ordered a Droid X, the same phone I have.  It came later in the afternoon so he played with it and tried to figure it out the rest of the day.  It’s fun to learn it, just keep pressing buttons till it works like you want it too.  :)

Another RV came in this afternoon. The activities list is out for December and it’s full of stuff to do.  Some of the things I’d like to do start at 8 and 9am.  I’ll have to think about that real hard, that’s just way too early.
Jim grilled our dinner tonight and he called me outside to look at the sunset. We have trees west of us that prevent us from getting real good pictures, but this is what we saw from our front door.

It’s been a great month. I’m ready to start the last month of the year.  It was a great, warm day in paradise.


Nancy and Bill said...

Your morning reference made me smile ... I remember you telling me at the RV-Dreams Rally,
"I don't do mornings" :o)

Hope you can work that out for the activities;o)


Merikay said...

You don't have to do mornings anymore. Your in paradise!

heyduke50 said...

my last blog i had compared the droid with the incredible and it looks as if i might be purchasing one soon...

Karen and Al said...

That sounds like fun...an activities list....can't wait to get to Florida.

Debbie Goode said...

Pretty Pic....have fun with the new toy!

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