Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Watching More Than Just Ships

(Mayport, FL) – A lot goes on before I get up in the mornings.  Jim saw groups of sailors running in formation for morning workout.   When I got up I saw a  couple of small ships go out but there was more in the water than boats and ships.  Our neighbors Karen and Collins sat with us this morning watching dolphins.
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There was very little ship traffic today, but we did see the destroyer U.S.S. Farragut as it left port.
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I walked down to the ocean, which was good exercise. I’m hoping to do that daily. The temperature was about 90 with 76% humidity, so it was a hot one.  We've had record breaking temperature for the past few days.  The wind blows all the time, and you feel like you’re covered in salt after you’re out awhile.

The jetty at low tide.
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This is an access road for people who want to fish off the jetty.
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I love the little birds that run when the water comes up. I can spend hours watching them.
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I took a couple more pictures around the campground.  This is the new laundry room.  Laundry is free here.
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We had our friends Vernine and Al over, along with our new friends Karen and Collins, for the evening get together. We found a new wine the last time we were here chocolate red wine. It’s sold here on base, and it's very tasty.
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The view from our back window.
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Another day in paradise.


Gypsy said...

I always loved watching the dolphins. Between the ships, the dolphins & the birds you have a lot to keep you busy!

Along the Way with JnK said...

Sounds like a wonderful place! Nice photos to go with your story!

Angela said...

Nice view out that back window Dee!

Carol Kerr said...

You have a GREAT backyard Dee!

Leno said...

Looks like a great place to chill out and relax...

Rick and Elaine NB said...

Love the view, Love the park..I'm green with envy :) but glad your enjoying your stay there !!!

Ali Workentin said...

Beautiful pictures. ? about the wine...is it Chocovine? I found it in Puyallup, WA a few months ago and have since found it in a few different stores. It is so tasty. I like it on ice.

Have a blessed day!

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