Thursday, August 12, 2010

One Year Today We Sold the Condo -- A Few Minutes at the Lake Front

(Chesterton, IN) -  Today, one year ago, we sold the condo.  I can't believe it's been one year already, but we're so glad we did.  So far no looking  back.  If interested on finding out what we did to get ready for fulltime, check August 12, 2009 in archeive.

We  woke up this morning with a truck trying to get out of the sand.  The longer he roared the engine the lower the sound got which made it sound like he was burying the tires.  I tried to find where he was from the window but never saw the truck.  It took about 20 minutes and all got quiet.

We stayed in most of the day.  An RV-Dreams chatter (Mallo) and his wife  (Linda) came in the afternoon and we got caught up on what we've both been doing, and our future travels.  He works on the road and travels, so he has the best of both worlds.

It cooled down some so we drove down to the beach to see the lake.  It was very hazy and we could barely see the Chicago skyline in the distance.  We didn't stay long, they close the beach at 6:00pm and we were all hungry.  We decided to head to Chesterton for dinner.  We found some good options for places to eat but we picked B&K.  The food was decent but the fellowship with our friends was better.  We went back to the RV and chatted for a bit then they left.  They had an hour drive to get back to their RV in South Bend.  It was a great afternoon with new friends. Thanks for coming.

We found out there's an RV show in Elkhart this weekend, so we're headed that way in the morning.  It will be a full day as we also want to check out the park that we'll be going to in a week.  And Jeff, our friend from North Carolina who visited us a week or so ago, is on another business trip to Warsaw, which is only about a half hour from Elkhart.  So we'll meet him for dinner tomorrow evening.  It should  be a fun day.


Kathy said...

Congrats on your special "SS check" day! I love reading about your visits with friends. I'm so looking forward to that! K

heyduke50 said...

one year ago... time flies... at least I am hoping so...

Ivey said...

Wow one year already. I have enjoyed reading your story. Still eight months until we put our house on the market.


Karen and Al said...

I think I will go back and read your fulltiming preps. Maybe it will give me some motivation. I'm getting discouraged.

Wow, a beach that closes at 6pm? never heard of that.

John and Carol said...

This week you celebrated your one year anniversary as a full timer and received your fist social security check. That's a great week! Congratulations!

Myrddin said...

Congratulations on completing your first year of the full-time lifestyle. If you're like us, you've got many more to go. :-)


California Fires Continuing - Changes

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