Saturday, June 19, 2010

Visitors - Shopping (Scott AFB, IL)

We had one hard storm last night and another banging door on the RV in the wind below the bed.  I knew what it was as soon as it started, the little door to the compartment where the Big Foot leveling system is located.  We just can't remember to close and lock it every time we move.

I got up a little earlier than normal because we're having visitors today.  Les and Delores, our long-time friends from when we lived here, are coming over this afternoon.  We visited them a few weeks ago.  I wanted to get to the commissary before it got too hot. I did very well in not getting more than the refrigerator could hold. Since I just recently did a major shopping I didn't have the room for extras that we "wanted".

When I had everything put away, Jim asked about the beer.  I didn't get any, I thought we still had a few, but upon checking we didn't so he went back to get some.  Then the challenge, where do we put it?  They're already cold, so you can't just let them sit out.

I got on Facebook to ask the question, where do people put drinks for visitors?  I didn't even think of a cooler, duh.  Thanks for the ideas given on Facebook.  Jim actually MADE room in the refrigerator, but next time we'll know to put the drinks in a cooler or get another refrigerator for the basement.  Ahhh, the joys of summer.

Speaking of refrigerator, the freezer keeps getting hanging icicles.  I defrosted it about 3 months ago and plan to do it again tomorrow, but we can't figure out why ONE side does it and not the other. I don't have it as packed as I use to, so not sure.  Suggestions?

Les and Delores came and we had a wonderful dinner of burritos and watched the U.S. Open Golf Tournament.  We really had a good time.  Cruising came up in a conversation and since the RV@sea has been canceled (not enough interest),  we talked about past cruises.  We compared notes on what cruise lines were the best.  Delores and Dee checking the cruise books and pictures.

Les is sitting back watching the golf tournament.  They both play golf so they could tell us a lot of details about the game that we didn't know.
After hugs all around we bid them farewell for now, but we'll see them again when we're back next year.  Thanks so much for dessert and a great time together.  Next year won't come soon enough.


Rod Ivers said...

Is it possible that you have a leaky door gasket on the side that builds the frost? Outside air contains the moisture that is forming the ice or frost. There is no moisture source inside the freezer is there?

Tumbleweed Dee said...

There's no moisture, that's what I'm thinking about door gasket. We'll have it checked. We've looked at it and can't tell. Thanks

ThE MidLiFe CrUiSeR said...

Icicles in the freezer, huh? In the heat we have here in TX, we'd be fighting over who gets to break it off to eat it like a popsicle :)


Sam&Donna Weibel said...

It doesn't take much of a leak to make frost, take a piece if construction paper and make sure it doesn't slide easily between the door seal and fridge. that will tell you if a hinge has to be adujsted. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

KarenInTheWoods said...

Hey Dee... you can do the "dollar bill test" You hold a dollar bill half in and half out of the freezer (or fridge) door with the gasket shut on it. Then pull the bill out. If there is resistance, then you know the gasket is working, if it slips out too easily then you know you have a problem. Do this in various spots around the door to see the amount of sealing on all sides.

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Vera said...

I assume your fridge is a frost-free and in that case if you get ice in there the door must be leaking air. You are right to get it checked since the 5thWheel is so new. Maybe just the hinges need to be adjusted.

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