Sunday, May 30, 2010

No Power -- Church --- Racing (Troy, MO)

Since we got home so late last night, we were planning on sleeping in for awhile.  However, Jim woke up at 7:00 and the power was off.   He checked the breakers in the RV, then checked the voltage at the power pole.  They were both OK. No power... on a Sunday... on a holiday weekend.  (Memorial Day weekend Sunday is one of Jim's favorite days of the year because he gets to watch the Indy 500 and Charlotte 600 in one day - about eight hours of racing!)  He switched the generator on so we could at least brew some coffee and think about what we were going to do.  After the coffee was finished brewing he turned off the generator.  Within a few minutes the power came back on!  Apparently our surge protector sensed a serious fluctuation of power and shut everything down temporarily.  After we took delivery of our rig we had a Surge Guard whole-house surge protector installed.  It's designed to protect us from both too much and too little power. We have a little meter that we plug into an outlet in the kitchen that shows us how many volts are coming into the unit.  It's been right on the line between green and red (on the low side) since we've been here, so it's likely that it may have dipped a little too low.  So it looks like our system was doing its job and protecting us.  The power has been fine the rest of the day.

Doris had a solo and a duet at church today.  She used to be in the high school choir, but by the time she joined the choir,  I had already left home.  I've never heard her sing in front of an audience, so this was a great opportunity. She did a wonderful job!  I'm glad we got to see her perform.

After church Herm (Doris' husband) and Jim went back home and Doris and I headed to Walmart for groceries for a cookout Doris is having tomorrow for our hosts and us.  We had to get something to eat first or we would buy a lot more then we needed.  :)  I haven't seen so many people in Walmart in a long time.  I  know,  it's the holiday weekend.  I normally go in the middle of the week when everyone is working.  Two hours later, we were on our way home.

I worked on closing out the month end bills.  We didn't do so well this month since we went overboard in food/eating out.  I also had some work done, and new tires, for my car.  I'm glad we're at my sister's for the month.  We'll catch up a bit financially before we head out next month to the Chicago area.

We have a bad cell phone signal from time to time.  I took this picture toward evening.  Since there's so many birds on the tower, I wonder if that's why the service is so sporadic?  (I'm kidding).  

We went over to Doris & Herm's for awhile to watch the NASCAR race.  Like I said, this is Jim's favorite day of racing.  The Indy 500 is during the afternoon and the Charlotte 600 starts in the evening and runs into the night.  We're reading blogs and probably going to bed a little earlier tonight since we were up early this morning.


KarenInTheWoods said...

Good to hear your surge guard is doing it's thing! Yes, brownouts (low power) are just as bad as spikes of too high power, either can cause real damage to your circuit boards in all your appliances like the air conditioners, fridge, water heater, tv, dvd player etc. Good to have the protection!

Stay cool....

Karen and Steve
(Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

Prettypics123 said...

I hope you have a very great Memorial Day. Thanks for your years of service.

FD5, Retired said...

The park we are in this week was just about full this past weekend. We lost power several time through the surge-gard for low voltage. Power came back on when voltage increased. Glad I made the purchase.

Stay Safe

Karen and Al said...

Just curious about what type of surge guard you have. Is it the kind that is portable that you can get at CW for around $300? We don't have one but know we need to get one.

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