Sunday, May 16, 2010

NASCAR Race - New Interesting Blog (O'Fallon, IL)

This is a lazy Sunday.  I'm glad we didn't have to go anywhere, more rain and it's still chilly.

Today I decided to go further in finding neat websites. I sometimes find other, new to me websites thru comments posted on the sites I read regularly. Ken & Annettes blog had a comment from Jerry & Kim , so I visited their site and found it has LOTS of great information.  Thanks Jerry & Kim for the great blog. I read most of the day, either blogs or magazines.  I also did some chatting with my mom.  It's so great having her online.

I've been watching the blog views the past couple weeks and it's amazing how many people read this blog.  It keeps me positive and wanting to get info out to everyone.  Thanks to all who read it.

Page Views

            Total ...................... 110,651            
            Average per Day ................ 287            
            This Week .................... 2,007            

I worked on Picasa putting pictures from the RV parks on Google maps. It's fast, easy and neat.  When you go to Picasa and click on places at the bottom you can see where you were and takes you to all the pictures that are on the PC, or you can view pictures right from the maps.

We watched the NASCAR race, cleaned up our home a bit and did nothing much the rest of the day. I did prepare a crockpot dinner that turned out yummy.

We have one more week at this location. Next Sunday we'll be moving again, this time to Missouri.  In the meantime, we have to watch out for more rain and storms. 


Along the Way with JnK said...

Thank you so much for your kind words, we are amazed ourselves of all the followers, readers and visits we get.

We love sharing our stories and photos with all of our friends and readers, and we especially love meeting up with folks on our travels.

Sam&Donna Weibel said...

We too are anxiously awaiting, some sunny weather, over a week of rainy days is enough, we look forward to seeing you guys when you get to Troy, let us know . Be safe out there, Sam & Donna.

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...