Saturday, May 15, 2010

Storms Again -- Tires - Movie (O'Fallon, IL)

Storms and rain woke both of us early.  The rain was more consistent so after the thunder went away we were lured back to sleep with the rain pattering on the roof. 

I didn't get up till 9:30, had breakfast, and did the computer thing as usual.  Jim did the laundry.  It's really cheap here, only 75 cents per load.  We then left at 3:00 to go take the car in for new tires.  We got a good deal and the tires were made in March of this year so we were happy.  We learned how to find out the "build date" on tires.  It's always good to get tires that were made within the last few months.We then dropped off the car to a local  mechanic to have him check a couple of things on Monday.  The check engine light is back on again.  It came on a month ago and we had it checked by Toyota but they couldn't find what was wrong so they reset it.  I also have a squeal when applying brakes so that's going to be checked.

We went with Frank and the grandboys to see "Iron Man 2."  It was really good.  Jim and I agree that the first one was better, but it was still good with lots of action.

That's about it for today.  Tomorrow will be a lazy day of NASCAR race watching.


Speedy said...

Storms! When do they stop? Stay safe and I will try to post more often.

Happytrails said...

I agree with Speedy...we all have had enough of the storms! However, there is nothing better than the sound of raindrops on the roof (not pouring, just easy raindrops). It does make sleeping nice. I still don't like the wind.

You all stay safe!
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...