Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Long Stormy Night -- Dinner with Son (O'Fallon, IL)

It was a scary night from about 3am to 6am. Hail, hard rains and lightning. We didn't have any damage and all was ok with the RV when we checked it this morning.  We slept in till 9:00 to make up the time we lost.

I weighed this morning and since we've been on the road I've lost 21 pounds. I'm so happy!! I still have a few more to go, but what a great loss!

We watched another rented movie that we got the other day, "Men Who Stare at Goats."  I didn't like it, but Jim did.

We got groceries, returned the movies and checked on new tires for my Toyota Rav4.  We got a good price from an independent tire shop in O'Fallon so we placed an order.  Hopefully they'll be installed early next week.  We went over to our son's for dinner and to be with the grandkids for a couple hours.  Frank grilled some steaks, which were yummy.

We got Kyle a pogo stick for Christmas two years ago. He's learned how to use it quite well, as you can see. The picture of him jumping is a little blurry because of the movement. I'm glad he enjoys it.

The whole family.  Kendall, Kyle Angie and Frank
Thank you guys for a great evening.


Mark and Dortha said...

I don't like being in the motor home during storms. That is the one things I have never been calm about.

Congratulations on the 21 pounds. Keep up the good work.

Can't wait to see you.

Hugs to you both.

Happytrails said...

You guys stay safe. I agree with Dortha...I hate being in the motorhome during storms (winds, lightning etc.). It may be something I never get used to.

Congratulations on your weight loss. I did so good BEFORE Rainbow Plantation and eating out. Now I'm back at working to get it off.

Take care,
Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

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