Saturday, October 17, 2009

Found Another Blog - Concert Tonight

Another weekend and I'm still packing stuff to take to Goodwill. I also switched winter clothes and put MOST of the summer clothes in the boxes to be sent to CFG. I'll tackle the cupboards tomorrow in rearranging them.

Most of the day was on blogs, emails and getting caught up on some reading. Sassy, from chatters, gave me another blog to read which scares me to death going through mountains. That's always been a concern going in an RV, but this particular blog just tells you what CAN happen. Travel with Miranda read the October 16 blog.

Mom wanted us to get some things done at her place so we walked to the retirement center and stayed with her a couple hours. She's doing better with her toe which is a good thing. It's taking awhile for it to heal.

Tonight we're going to the Australian Pink Floyd concert in Durham. I'll report tomorrow on what we see. I'll remember the camera this time. I hope they let us in with it.

Working days to quit work 34
This countdown is only for WORKING days.


Gypsy said...

I've gone through several mountain ranges since I got my 5th wheel, and the biggest problem I've had was with other drivers on the road. My truck & 5ver were fine, although I must say I haven't tackled anything dangerous for an RV. Fancy Gap in VA, I 40 through the Smokies, and the horrible Grapevine in So. Cal were all manageable. The Grapevine was bad because of other drivers. In CA the speed limit is never over 55 for trucks & vehicles pulling trailers, whereas other drivers (including Motorhomes) have a 70 mph limit. I don't think they like us very much and do everything they can to intimidate us. Just take one day at a time and you'll be fine. Don't anticipate trouble before you begin, and get both Mountain Directory East and MD West. If a road is listed as a steep grade and you don't feel comfortable with it, you can always find an alternate route. If I can do it, you and Jim can do it, easily.

Rae said...

Don't let my story scare you off mountain driving entirely!!! This section of road is unique. Just avoid BC highway 99 between Pemberton and Lillooet and you should be fine. :)

Easy Going Week - Birthday Party - Tornado Outbreak

 Sharlimar, FL   (Hi 78 Lo 66) It was a normal quieter week than last week. The normal schedule was Wii bowling Monday and Wednesday morning...