Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is so special, a couple of things going on today!

It's the first year anniversary of my blog. I started the blog on persuasion of the RV-Dreams chatters. I didn't think I could do it everyday. It took a couple weeks to get the hang of it, and then I came up with my own style of writing. It's not perfect, but it is fun. I'm more alert watching for things that would be of interest. I give my feelings and ideas on what we're doing to get on the road full time. I TRY to keep it positive, but that's hard at times. I love all the comments and the new people that's joined the blog in the last year. I have posted 365 days, this next year will be even more detailed and hopefully next year at this date we'll be on the road, at least part time, and I'll have even more to report with our goofs, challenges, and places we go. Thanks everyone!!

The stats as of today is:

Total 23,809
Average Per Day 94
Average Per Vist 1.2
Today 42
This Week 656

We got up this morning to snow, about three inches at 9:00, it didn't start snowing till about midnight. Jim already had the day off and I didn't have to go in till 1:00. By 11:00 there was no letting up and it was huge flakes so I called the boss to beg the day off. Two other people didn't go to work either.

Here's a few photos of our snowstorm. It snows very seldom in our area, so when it does it's a big deal.
Neighbors woke me up playing in the snow. There's a hill just above our bedroom window.

Jim is taking off the snow later in the afternoon, after the sun came out.

Today was spent in front of the TV with the Inauguration. I read a lot of blogs and chatted online with a few friends and debken from RV-Dreams, who was also online for awhile this morning. There seems to be a lot of people that were free today, so I had someone to chat with most of the day. What a day!! Lots going on and I was glad to be home.

Days left to sell the condo 4 mths 11 days


FD5, Retired said...

Congratulations on the first year of blogging!!

Stay Safe
John and Bridget

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 1 year for the Blog Dee! Sorry about your snow that fell today, but we have over 4 feet on the ground up here in Canada... John and Judy

Mac and Netters said...

Congratulations on your year anniversary!!! It is a great blog. Keep up the good work. Hope to meet you in person real soon!!!

Speedy said...

Hey girl if you chat during the day let me know. Here I set at work and my computer here does not jam on me. Call me you have my number


Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...