Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Behind the Scenes

I got up at 8:30, checked to see if the roads were passable, they were so I got breakfast and did some budget work before the end of the month to see if our new idea is going to work. Still not sure, but we're behind a bit, still have to tighten our belts a some more. Food is our downfall, just spending way too much.

I got to work and all we talked about was no one worked in the area yesterday. If they got to work they left early. Snow around here just doesn't happen that often. Schools are still out tomorrow, just too slick with the freezing temperatures. The picture is the view I have out my window at work. It's melted a bit, but it's in the shade so didn't melt much.

I learned a lot about what's going on behind the scenes in moving a company. The walls are taken down and new ones put up, the phone lines were changed and more put in, the lights were taken down and more put up and a different style. We're moving February 19-20 and our meeting to meet with the movers is next Tuesday. I'll be back from Vegas before we move, so I'll have everything ready for the movers and all the files filed in their proper places. The wifi system is still going in, but that's just upgrading the computers and installing the wifi cards.

I worked from 1-5, so not much more to report. When I got home I had an email about Quartzite, AZ. The aerial view is great! It's one of the places they say you have to do, at least once to experience it.
These pictures are so neat. They're from a previous but I'm sure they don't change much from year to year.

Days left to sell the condo 4 mths 10 days

1 comment:

Speedy said...

Much the same as the pioneers. Circle the wagons! I would like to try it once but I need my electric and water. I sure don' want to pull my new home over some rough old gravel road to stay off in the middle of no where. Now back in the day when I had the lesser expensive trailers...maybe...but not now. We will do it just to say we did.


Happy New Year 2025 - Party TIme in Village One

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 59   Lo 49) I was going to do a recap for 2024, but decided that was in the past and I'm done with the "past,...