Monday, March 10, 2008

Good news & Bad News

Have you had one of those days that you questions things, like "what if" I should do this, then something falls in your lap that makes it for sure that you've made the right decision? This is one of those days. We're going to Perry, GA (I know you're sick of hearing about it) this weekend which is VERY close to Robbins AFB. They have a website that says you can't book lodging till 24 hours in advance. Jim called them today anyway and since it's for THIS weekend we could get a room. That saves us quite a few bucks for a motel. It was early enough that there's no penalty for cancelling the motel. We'll be staying at Robbins and while we're there we can eat at the NCO club and check out the famcamp for our RV'ing. It can't get any better.

After a long 5 hours at work redoing some stuff the boss told me to do and was wrong, I picked up mom for our grocery shopping day. A new Aldi's just opened up so we picked up a lot of fruits and veggies at a very low price then went across the street to our regular store for the rest of the stuff. I'm trying to only get what's on my list so I can practice getting a few items at a time. When I dropped her off back home I get a call from our credit card company. It seems that someone took our number and was charging big dollar items on it. The card is now cancelled and we'll get a new one in 10 days. Go figure, it happens before our trip. I'm so glad they called. That's a nightmare to get sorted out. It's our second time in a year. I hate carrying cash. I lost my purse one year and had too much in it. The cards aren't safe either. Why can't it be like the good ole days, what's mine, stays mine.

I came home got the mail and found a bill didn't get paid, so have to sort out where they lost the check. It hasn't cleared, so I know it's on their end. I'll deal with that tomorrow.

I guess things like this keep you on your toes. Be careful to watch for mis-charges on your credit card. The sooner you catch it, the better off you'll be.

The rest of the evening is reading blogs and going to rv-dreams chat for some more learning.

Days left to buy the RV/truck 3 yrs 2 mths 4 days

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