Thursday, February 28, 2008

Mom's Day/Errands

I went to work at 9:00. Lots of traffic today for some reason. I got behind a school bus, which is very abnormal then a huge crane sort of truck going 10 miles per hour. After I went to the post office I was about 3 minutes late, but it doesn't count on my "time late".

After work I went home changed clothes and picked up mom for her dentist appointment. It's in Raleigh so it took half hour to get there. She had a filling done and a partial crown. It was 4:00 when we left there and with traffic I was debating about getting groceries. We decided to go for it and by the time I got home, Jim was walking in the door, 5:30. What a day. I do have a gripe and I'm so anxious to go fulltime to solve it. We have to park a distance from the door at the condo. I have a cart that I load with groceries and sometimes have to go back for a second load. When we have the RV I'll be CLOSE, and that's such an asset. It will be so easy to put groceries in the kitchen. If only it would go just a bit faster to get to that point.

Still 3yrs 2 mths 15 days to buy the RV/Truck

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