Shalimar, FL (Hi 75 Lo 48)
The weather has warmed up, in fact today (Friday) we had thunderstorms. The snow was finally gone after 4 days when it hit 60. It stayed around for a few days in the shadows. I hope that's not going to happen in the future years.
The week was busy, but that's nothing new. The first thing was at 10am volunteering for United Way on Monday. They come in to have us do things like put cute stuff in bags for the school kids. There were several of us so it didn't take long. (Click on the photo to enlarge).
I had 10 minutes to start bowling then went to a seminar on how to detect heart attacks. I knew most of it, but good refreshing. Women are different than men, mostly in jaw and upper body or back. Then I did a couple zooms and bed.
Tuesday was the same as always with a tiktok moderator, then diamond art, on into meditation. Now the change is massage and zoom with a bunch of people all over world that's called Death Cafe. It's so interesting, so now I'm hooked. I'll be searching that zoom live for every month. Most are once a month.
Wednesday was bowling and cards at the other village. I had tiktok and instagram with a gal then cards in the evening which was the first time this week.
Thursday I went to crochet group and had help on the pattern I couldn't figure out for the day of the dead doll I started a couple weeks ago. I'll post when I get it done. I'm glad to have help, it was in UK instructions which makes your design bigger then normal. I did play cards that evening.
Friday is different. I got up early for acupuncture. I had that done on a cruise and it worked out very well and lasted months. I wanted to try it again on the "new" knee which is getting more and more painful. I went to a Chinese place with the old school type acupuncture. I had 10 needles and a special light that goes deep into the tissues. I left with a patch that was on for three hours then throw it away.
I kept my knee up for the evening and will see just how it works after some sleep tonight. So far it's not hurting like it normally does when I lift it. I have high hopes. I'd like to walk around the villages when it's warm, NOT hot.I'm also in my spare time, I'm working on the ukulele and learning the finger picking. I'm loving it. What I learn on that I use on the guitar. I do have a puzzle on the table, but haven't worked on it this week. It seems the last week of the month is always hectic. Speaking of puzzles, this one we finished this week in the lounge between three of us working on it.
I had to laugh, after reading about everything you do in a day, you have spare time. I don't know how you do it . BTW. I live in Canada , our snow lasts for months , 4 days is peanuts . I love reading your blog you inspire me.
I have same question. When do you have spare time??? Len has severe issues with his back. Due to other health concerns his cardiologist will not approve surgery. Yesterday was really bad. Went to ER.... gave him a shot for immediate relief then script for pain meds for 3 days. A temporary solution. I am wondering if acupuncture would be a possibility.
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