Saturday, September 28, 2024

September is Rough - Hurricane Helene

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 87  Lo 76)

September is a rough month for me.  Jim died on September 8. I was glad to be with son Rick when we celebrated. On the 22nd was Jim's birthday. We celebrated at different places with his favorite meal and drink.  Sis had a steak in his honor, Rick had Bourbon that he bought with his birthday on it.  (Click on photos to enlarge).

Doris made Jim's favorite meal

September 27 was the funeral three years go. I'm doing better, but still have the down feeling. Life has to go on and I'm trying to do that, just as all the women here and all my friends that have gone thru that period in their lives. Cudos to all of us. 

Someone wanted to know the WII bowling scores.  I'm carrying an average of 175, some are lower but the highest was 218. It's getting it right in the spot to get a strike and there's several 300 bowlers here. It's a goal. 

This weeks attention was on hurricane Helene. It didn't start out very big, but it gained strength and power going thru the Caribbean. It was going to be close to us by the looks of the cone in the first few days. Thursday it made landfall. During the day we had very light rain, the hurricane kind that falls straight down very steady and looks like snow. It feels different and I love standing in it. I found that out with my first hurricane Fran in North Carolina. This one came into Perry, FL, in the big bend area of Florida. I watched Ryan Y'all on youtube the entire day and followed up with more storm chasers when it got closer to landfall (8:30pm cst). I'd like to know why every hurricane I've been involved in, is always at night. I was in heaven so to speak. I gave up the cards and the party they were having in the lounge. I was watching history being made. It was a very large hurricane, Cat 4 140 mph winds. The management was saying if you do not leave the mandatory areas, put you name and social security on your arm in permanent ink. Lots of hype. It was 10 to 15 ft of storm surge, but not 20. It went all the way to St Louis area and in the Southeast. 

Thru it all I crocheted all day. Here's my bee's. 

All but one gnome are done for the orders I have. Now it's fulltime on the nine manger sets. I'll keep at it. 

Diamond art was cancelled so that gave me more time. The activities was a German Festival on Tuesday but I didn't go.  I did go to meditation. The rest of the week was normal with quiet time on Friday and Saturday. I watched the videos from all the storm damage then to social hour and special zoom on Saturday evening. Another week coming up. I'll be doing some special stuff. 

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September is Rough - Hurricane Helene

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 87  Lo 76) September is a rough month for me.  Jim died on September 8. I was glad to be with son Rick when we celebrated...