Saturday, September 23, 2023

Continuing Rehab - Fox Sighting - Special Day

 Shalimar, Fl (Hi 89  Lo 70)

It's still a busy week and I'm loving it. I have a reason to get up everyday. The weather is a little cooler and the humidity isn't as high. It was 70 degrees sitting outside in the evening and most of us felt chilled so needed a jacket. (Click on the photos to enlarge). 

Monday:  WII bowling was first for the day starting at 11:30. There's 18 teams and teams playing is spread out throughout the week. If someone can't make the team playing time, they can play on their own a different day and time, or take an average score. I went to dementia class when done with bowling. We're learning what to watch for and when to get help from physicians. The problem now days no one wants to deal with it so pills are subscribed and that can do more damage. The Youtube classes are from Teepa Snow   If you're interested in the series, Teepa has a lot of videos. I had a couple hours of free time before going to cards which is nightly except for Friday and Saturday.

Tuesday: I'm still working on the diamond painting and only 4 of us met today. One gal started a new picture so she comes in weekly. I didn't stay very long I had to get on the bus to go to chimes concert we did in Niceville community center. There were a lot of people and we did very well on the concert. 

Our "pay" was a  milk shake. The little dining area is retro 50's style. 

Wednesday:  At 10:00 is the second WII bowling game. I was late by a few minutes because I had my rehab. Now I'm in the second half of the rehab doing balancing. A lot of walking and different movements with my eyes shut. Some exercises are no problem but others I weave like I'm drunk. It's for balancing if I happen to trip on something or lose my balance with uneven surfaces. There's lot of exercises to learn but basically what ever you do with eyes open do it with eyes shut. I had just a few minutes to grab lunch then to the massage and chiropractor. My hip is causing problems and it's very swollen around the SI joint, the massage got the muscle loose and the chiropractor got it to move and not hurt so much. I'm going twice a month to keep in shape with arthritis and muscle relaxation. It's amazing the difference. When I got home I used some ice to take down the swelling a bit more and actually slept really well. 

Thursday:  Rehab was first thing at 11:00.  Just for some info, I DO NOT like early mornings. I was very careful on what we did for rehab to not irritate the hip. There's more then one way to use exercises in different ways not to hurt specific areas that causes pain. The rule to pain no gain is no longer true. The body is telling you that's not good, quit doing it. When I left the gym, I drove to another village for crochet group. I had one of the orders done and got a couple more orders to do for my "critters".  At 2:15,  I had to beeline it to shuffleboard back at the main commons area.  I had two players and we played an hour then time to get some dinner before going to cards.  While sitting outside, a beautiful big fox went past us in the gazebo and walked to the woods. I tried to get pictures and it was dark, but used the night vision on my phone camera. Here's a view.  I wish I had a better shot, but he was walking fast. The guards say he's around quite a bit. Now to see the bear that's around, they say I'll see him at some point. 
Friday:  A very special day!  Jim would have been 73 today.  Jim loved September. it was his favorite month and basically everything important now is in September, his death, his birthday and his funeral (27). The only thing is our wedding day is in March. I celebrated and thought of him by going to get a pizza place with another gal here in the complex. I know if he was here we'd be going for his steak dinner tonight, but celebrated with a good pizza. Yes, it was very good and close by. I stayed busy with videos and zoom with friends from NC. I'm also on chat every night that was started in 2007. It's been a memorable day. 

Saturday:  I don't usually have anything on Saturday. The only thing I do weekly is Happy Hour with the gals in our village. It's also cleaning or laundry and lots of crocheting. I still have orders to do and so thankful.  Here's this weeks project. A gals dog, it's better in person then in a photo. 

1 comment:

Phyllis said...

It is scary when these "old age" issues hit you in the face. Balance issues, memory issues, aches and pains issues. Did I forget any?

That's a good thought: I'll have to attempt to do some things with eyes closed. Thanks for the suggestion. I guess driving the car wouldn't be one of them.

Friends Detained - Rummage Sale - Puzzles

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi 78   Low 55) The couple, Lessie and Ed,  that's staying with me got a call from their RV shop  saying they had power...