Friday, July 21, 2023

Slow week - Magic Show - HOT

 Shalimar, FL (Hi 94  Lo 74)  Muggy and higher temps

There's been a couple people ask if I'm still working/playing the guitar. Yes, and I use the chimes music to play so it's great for both musical instruments. 

This has been a very quiet week, it's too hot to get out to do much. I spent a lot of time sitting outside in the sun and fresh air, but it's a bit on the hot and humid side this week. I'm not complaining there's still a breeze most days but it's cooler if  I crochet indoors. (Click on the photos to enlarge). 

I did get a couple black bears made. The little one is for my wreath. The big one is to sell at the craft sale in October. I'll be making little things for the sale. It keeps me busy. I'm also getting more organized since I haven't done that since I moved in to the village. 

Thursday we had a couple that performs magic shows. They're from Destin, Florida. They did a variety of magic and juggling. It was quite a performance. 

                                                          Swallowing a balloon 

                                                        and coming out the other side as a  dog. 
                                                        Juggling all kinds of things

                                                      Two straight jackets 
                                                        He got out of both in just a couple minutes. 
                                      The disappearing routine, I still haven't figured that one out. 

We have entertainment every once in awhile and they're all good ones. 

The regular during the week routines was meditation, indoor shuffleboard and darts and every evening I play darts, sit outside and then on chat every evening. A lot of people are gone for the summer visiting with family and friends. It's like the snowbirds coming here in the winter, the residents go all over the country (and overseas) in the summer.  That's what we did when we were in the RV, we didn't stay in Florida in the summer.  

Little things:  I bought a rug for in front of the bed, it came looking like this.  But when I opened it up, it blows up and looks like a rug. I've been buying things lately that are either too small or not worth anything. I thought I had did it again, but this is perfect for what I wanted. 

There has been lots of storms the Midwest, and I'm watching stormchasers. This one was from one of the chasers which I took a picture from the TV. It's beautiful!
This one was here at the village. It was gorgeous all over the sky above us. 
I'm having a good time and staying busy. Next week there's a lot going on so stayed tuned. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your bears are cute that you make. You live in a great village with a lot to do and see.

NASCAR - Lobster Truck - Dinner Out by Bus

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...