Saturday, June 20, 2020

A Week of Appointments - Visiting and GoodBye's

Auburndale, FL (Hi 90  Lo  79)

We're still in partial shutdown from  the Corona Virus (Covid 19) around the area and it seems to be spreading more lately. We're thinking with the riots and people going back to work without a vaccine it's going to stay that way. We were working on getting our cruises setup for next year,  but they've cancelled anything going out till at least September so we're holding off. The ports are still closed, we're hoping to still do the river boat cruise next May 2021.

This week we had more appointments. There's seldom anytime you make one appointment and not be going back, maybe a few times. I went to a new dentist which is closer for a cleaning. I thought I'd be done for the year, but now I need a crown on another tooth because the filling on it is OLD. I've heard that word quite a bit lately. I had a birthday, it's just a number, but it's getting closer to being very old. Ok, laugh.

Monday and Wednesday I worked at Hospice. I'm done with one of the big projects, but the boss says there's another one just about like it, Bring it on. I love going there for a lot of reasons. I'm still on the computer and all is great. I just wish we could visit more but that won't be for quite awhile.

Tuesday I went to a neighbors for some chat time. It's been almost three months that we've got together. It's really good to have some laughs.

Friday we went to Plant City for  Cuban Sandwiches. I'm sorry I didn't get pictures. I didn't even think about it. We met with Lessie and ED to say goodbye till October. Lessie taught me how to do the ancestry. The kids have been asking about it so I thought I'd try it. I worked all day Saturday on it. Now I'm hooked at least till I get bored with it.  Friday evening we got on zoom to chat with our friends in NC. We catch up for the week.
Cyndi and Gary, Dee, Jim, Jerry

I had my massage on Thursday with the chiropractor which is monthly. My massage gal is trying something new called cupping. She took a picture of my back with the cups and without. The red marks stayed for three days, but it sure has helped with stiffness and soreness. No more hurting when I roll over in bed or certain movements in the car. That's going to be a monthly treatment. It looks like a monster.

Just some other things this week. We had two pairs of Spoonbill birds. There were fishing for breakfast. There's an egret watching with a black bird in the background. (Click the photos to enlarge).

Two Mallard ducks joined the group. (To the left)

A Woodstork joined us Saturday night.

This is the time of year we get storms every night. It might not be here but pretty much all over the state of Florida they can pop up in minutes. I happened to get one of the clouds that gave us lots of rain with thunder and lightening.

I finished another puzzle. This is the state of North Carolina with lots of words on what things are in the state. Very neat to do and only took 36 hours to do it. I still have five more to go. I work them in between ancestry.

I hope everyone stays safe.

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Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...