Saturday, April 18, 2020

Laughs - Passing Time - Veggies

Auburndale, FL  (Hi  83  Lo 70)    Covid 19 Housebound

Still on the housebound status from the Corona Virus. We're looking for something to laugh at so we've been on this week. There's been some really great things people are doing at home to bring laughter.  The best is the cat videos. Just look up Funny videos on Youtube. It's great to laugh.

I'm still crocheting. Our oldest son is putting together Lego's. He's doing a terrific job, with different things.

I got out in the golfcart and drove around a couple of times, then on Friday I decided to get out of the house and get some veggies at the flea market. I actually remembered how to drive the car, it's been awhile.  There were only two vendors there and both were selling veggies outside. It's great having some fresh fruits again. There weren't very many people there and lots of traffic on the roads. I guess people are feeling like I do, time to get out. Our county (Polk)  has 320 cases of the virus as of today.

We picked up an order from Walmart. I started a list on Thursday and kept adding to it. We got an email on what they didn't have (EGGS for one) and when the designated time arrived (12:00) I received an email saying it was ready. We went to the side of the store and pulled into a drive up area told them the number and within minutes someone was loading it in the car. I love it. We spent a lot less then being in the store. It was so convenient. I may be spoiled, this could be a permanent thing.

The good news?  I've lost 12 pounds since March 1.
Second tidbit, our cruise in June has been cancelled. We were suppose to celebrate with our families for our 50th anniversary.


Phyllis said...

I've been doing Walmart pickup for about 5 months. Love it, love it, love it.

It's been a problem since Covid 19. Obviously more people are taking advantage of it. Many times I can not get a pick up time. Have to keep trying. Then when I do manage it is always at least 6 days out.

Our town has a huge Farmers Market every Thursday to Sunday. They now only take orders online. Then customers drive up and they bring it to them.

Our county has 53 cases and one death.

owensontheroad said...

I would love to do the Walmart pickup, George not so much. I've been baking a lot more, so gained 5#! Got to get back on track!! We've had 136 cases so far in our county.

Tom and Deb said...

We just started using the Walmart and Kroger pickup and I really like this way of shopping. I can see using this a lot moving forward. Plus, no impulse buying has to be saving us money. The county we are stopped at in Mississippi has 8 cases and were we are from has 12 and ! death. It is a sad time for sure.

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