Saturday, March 14, 2020

School Mate Visit - Hospice Appreciation Luncheon - COVID-19

Auburndale, FL (Hi 88  Lo 62)

Saturday,  Melba and Ed came for a visit. Melba is a classmate from high school and comes to see us every year while they travel in the winter. We went to our favorite Chinese restaurant. We had a wonderful visit and said our goodbye's till next year later in the evening. Thank you guys for coming to see us. (Click on the photos to enlarge).

Dee, Jim, Melba and Ed

I worked at hospice all week, about six hours a day. I have no idea how I worked 8 to 10 hour days and also a second job most of my life. I guess that's why you retire at 65 or 70. On Friday we had Volunteer Appreciation day which the theme was OSCAR day. Some of us dressed up for the occasion. The venue was decorated so nice.

We had the best lunch, chicken, veggies, mash potatoes, roll and lemon cake or chocolate cake with a strawberry on top for dessert.

There were several people that received an OSCAR and I happened to be one of them. This is the reason.

Needless to say I was really surprised. I do data entry and proofread items. I guess it paid off. I also received the one year certificate along with others in my hospice class last year. I went to hospice to work on the camp entries until 5:00. There's been talk about cancelling it, but it's in April and they're going to wait and see.

I wasn't going to write about the Coronavirus but it's at a serious level. Our son found a great website that updates regularly.

The only place we go is for groceries and I go to hospice. Schools are closed, all sports have cancelled and we're just hanging tight. We're not going anywhere. Toilet paper seems to be the hot item. People are afraid of being shut in the house for 14 days which is required if you think you have the virus. I guess toilet paper is the only thing they're worried about not having enough, (my thing would be wine).  Sanitizing lotions are the other thing that's being taken from the stores. Someone crocheted a tiny roll of toilet paper.

On a lighter note:
We have google home mini which we've attached a couple lights to it. In the evenings Jim tells it to turn on the light. It goes something like this.
Jim:  Hey Google, turn on the light
Google: I don't understand that.
Jim: Harsh loud words.  HEY GOOGLE, TURN ON THE LIGHT
Google finally turns on the light.
Jim:  You don't give me any lip.

It doesn't happen often, but Jim seems to have a handle on getting her to turn on the light.

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