Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Midwest Travel Day 22 the End - Big Thanks to Many People

Auburndale, FL (Hi 92  Lo 74)

We didn't rush this morning leaving the hotel. We went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast and on the road by 9:24. The whole trip of three weeks has been fast, fun and perfect. We had a wonderful day today and the whole trip had NO RAIN!

Thanks to everyone:
Our first visit was our youngest son Rick and his son Jack.  It was great meeting Tammy and her two boys, Luke and Evan.  We also got to see Jack's mom Kendra.

Second was our Frank, his wife Angie, and the two boys, Kendall and Kyle

We had friends back home helping put our outside decorations in the house or utility shed. Hurricane Dorian looked like it was coming into Florida. We had furniture in the back patio and it was moved to the living room. We'll know next time if we leave in September we'll get things put away. Thanks goes to Linda, Cathy, Charlette and Wayne for their help. Mary Lou got our mail for us.

My sister, Doris and her hubby, Herm had us over the weekend of the second week. It was a good time. It's been awhile since we've seen them in Missouri. We had RV'er friends that met up with us at their place and we had a wonderful visit. Thank you Ken and Cindy for coming to see us.

Bill in Kentucky met us outside Lexington. We had a great dinner together and visit. We hope to see him again soon. On the way further east we stopped in with friends in Raleigh. We want to thank Gary and Cindy for putting us up for the night. We also met with Jerry at dinner. It's always great being with friends in North Carolina.

Our last stop was Sharon and Robin, Jim's sisters who live with Jimmie. We had a great visit and time spent was great.

Now we're home and start the normal living in our 55+ community, Lake Juliana Landings.

Miles today  308
Left 9:24
Arrive 3:00

Total miles for trip 3477
Gas anywhere from $2.15 to $2.45

Our packed car with the grandfather clock taking up most of the room.

I will now be posting weekly.

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Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...