Monday, September 16, 2019

Midwest Travel Day 21 - Listing Restaurants

Savannah, GA (Hi 95  Lo 71)  The further we go the hotter it gets.

We were up by 7:00.  We packed and on to breakfast with Jimmie at 8:00. Jimmie found a great breakfast place, Ziggies. in Havelock. It's right outside the Cherry Point Marine base. He was right it was very good. We didn't have any rain today which is surprising because we thought we'd get the outer bands of the hurricane. It was bright and sunny. The traffic was fairly light, so no problems.

I have to put in this picture of Jimmie and one of the dogs they have, Teddy. When Jimmie picks him up and it's time for bed he curls his tail up and puts all four paws in the air. It's so cute.

Click on the next picture to enlarge it. There's cotton fields around this area and they're pretty. When I saw my first cotton field, it was just ready to pick and it looked like snow. It's so pretty.

I haven't mentioned places that we've eaten this trip. We'll be doing this trip maybe frequently so I'll list a few. Cracker Barrel, BoJangles, Wendy's, Portfino's Greek and Italian, Tumbleweed, Sixtyfour Wine & Kitchen, Chick Fil-a, Subway, St. Louis Village, The Blue Owl, Culvers, IHop, JR Cash Grill, Dinner Bell, Bob Evans, Billy Graham Diner, Abby Road, Briggs, Oceanana Fishing Pier, Ziggy's Cafe, Hooters. It seems all we do is eat and sleep.

We have just a few hours to go and we'll be home tomorrow afternoon.
Our notes:
Mileage 438
Left at 8:38
Arrived 4:38

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Anniversary at BHV - Zooms - Videos - Plans for Summer Travels

 Shalimar, FL   (Hi  74   Lo 45)  This post is 3030.  This is the first day of March  and my anniversary of moving to Bob Hope Village is to...