Saturday, August 11, 2018

Craft Fair - Pre Arrangement - Okeechobee - NASA Launch

Auburndale, FL  (Hi 90  Lo 73)

I went with another gal to Winter Haven for a craft fair that is every first Saturday of the month. We went last fall and the place was packed with vendors. This time there were barely enough to be worth going. I did ask one vendor to come to ours in November. It's too hot to be in an outside park selling all day.

Monday we did something we've been thinking about for years. We did pre-arrangements for our funeral. It took a couple hours to get all the paperwork done, but now no one else has to wonder what to do if one or both of us die. It's all pre arranged, I'm a big believer to have it all planned out and it's less of a burden on everyone when you're under stress of losing a loved one.

Wednesday I went to Okeechobee with my sister, Doris. We drove to Sebring which is half way.  It's fun being with her in the summer and back and forth in the winter months. She has a dog named Carley that is two years old so she keeps us busy. She's part German Shepard and Border Collie.

One thing for sure I'm eating well. A great salmon dish and taco salad.

Friday night/Saturday morning we wanted to see the  Delta Heavy IV launch from NASA go up at 3:33am. We both woke up at the same time and got the details on NASA TV. It was on hold at four minutes then it was on go and held again at one minute, fifty-five seconds. They scrubbed it for an anomaly. Now it's suppose to go up 3:32 Sunday morning.  I doubt if I get up again.

We're going to Port St. Lucie today. I haven't taken a lot of pictures this week but have been on the go. Here's a storm in a sunset.

This photo was taken from a plane. I stole it from facebook. It's the fires over Califorina with sunset in the background. 
See you next week with more from Okeechobee. 

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