Friday, September 2, 2016

Meeting Neighbors - Concert in Orlando - Hurricane Hermine

(Auburndale, FL) Hi  82 Lo 77 --  We're trying to meet the people that live here year around before learning the snowbirds names when they start to arrive. We had Trish and Allen over one evening to get to know them. They live across the street and Jim goes to baseball games with Allen. We had a couple of hours visiting which was really nice.  We'll be doing that again along with others in the park. We have a lot of room to entertain.

Jim was going thru some of the activities in the area and found a concert with the ELO band that's now The Orchestra playing in Orlando. He got tickets  and we went to see them on Saturday night. It's the best concert next to Neil Diamond that I've seen. I saw ELO in Oakland California in 1981. We loved the concert and glad we went. That's the advantage of living closer to Lakeland and Orlando, there's so many things to go to see.

We have an empty house next door and every once in awhile the squirrels take over by climbing on the screen porch or taking things off the carport. There's a chair that has stuffing in it which a squirrel decided to take apart. I took several pictures and a video. He would pull it with his paws then stuff it in his mouth. It was amazing how much he could get in that tiny mouth. The chair is to the right, you may have to make the screen full to see it pulling the stuffing.

We had our first hurricane in 11 years this week, named Hermine. We've been watching it closely and had plans to get out if it was coming in at Tampa and more then a CAT 2. It went north so we stayed put. The very edge of it was all we got so very little wind and rain. At 5:00 am this morning there was a very hard lightning and thunder storm but didn't last long. Just to the west of us was heavy rains and strong winds that did a lot of damage. We were lucky this time around. We're still having some wind, but it's sunny and the worst is over. This is our retention pond outside our window. It never got any higher, so it did it's job.

The birds have trouble standing on their long legs, but they're not bothered by the wind and rain otherwise.

Jim went to the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game tonight in St. Petersburg.  He went with Allen our next door neighbor.

Their view of the field.

 That's it for this week. See you next Friday.

1 comment:

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

Doesn't it figure, no hurricanes for 11 years and then you buy a house there... ;c)

New Temperatures - Bowling Party - California Fires

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