Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Cataract Surgery, Pt 2

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 67 Lo 49 -- This month has been very interesting. I promised a picture of our new neighbors Jessica and Harry, and remembered to get one yesterday.

They had us over for a scrumptious lasagna dinner yesterday evening. Since I had my cataract surgery earlier that day, the invitation was very welcome as I didn't have to cook. Thank you so much guys, I sure couldn’t see to make dinner.

The surgery on the right eye wasn’t anything like the left. They checked my left eye before doing the procedure on the right. They gave me an eye test  and I'm at 20/30, which is ok because the left eye will be for close-up vision. There’s still a lot of healing to do, but it’s slowly getting better. I can see the computer with a larger font, so at least I can get online as long as I don’t read for very long at a time.

The prep for the right eye was about the same. I had to wait about a half hour on a gurney. It was about 11:00 when I went into surgery, and 11:04 when I came out. This time I saw and felt everything going on. I didn't see little blue boxes and bright light, which I found out later that's because doctor was fixing the astigmatism. There was no pain, so that’s good. The eye was totally dilated, which pleased the doctor as it makes it so much easier to implant the new lens. He was very satisfied with the procedure.

This morning was terrific. My left eye wants to see close-up and the right eye is for distance,  and the colors are incredible! Now to get both eyes to heal completely. I'm thankful I don’t have a third eye. :)

Several of us walked over to the north side of the park this evening to watch the Space X Falcon 9 rocket launch from Cape Canaveral.

The rocket is carrying a satellite to deep space, about a million miles from earth, where it will monitor solar activity from the sun. Cape Canaveral is about 80 miles from us, so it was hard to photograph. You can barely see the contrail in this photo, taken by Jim with his smart phone.

We actually saw the bright fire of the engines when it appeared above the trees, then the trail that it left behind. It was quick, but looked great against a clear blue sky.

See you in a few days.


owensontheroad said...

Glad to hear that everything went well with the second eye. Bet you're happy to have that over with!

Paul and Marti Dahl said...

We're cataract twins! :c)

Gypsy said...

When I used to wear contacts I had a set which was one for distance and one for close up. I didn't have a bit of problem getting used to them. Glad everything went well for you. Cataract surgery has become an art, but you're alwayts glad when it's past and you start seeing again.

Nancy and Bill said...

Good news that all the eye surgery is over and all is well!! So nice that Jessica and Harry invited you for Lasagna...say hello to them from Bill and I. Now, take care and heal well:o))

Mike and Terri said...

Great news about your eyes. Now get them healed up and enjoy the view!

See ya' soon

Speedy said...

Kris would have a fit if he could see such a launch! He loves space travel and tells me he will go to Mars one day...Hey could very well happen!I'll probably make it there before he does...LOL
Glad to see you can see.

Joe Sherri and Kris

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