Sunday, February 8, 2015

Update on My Eye – 50th Anniversary Party at the Clubhouse

(Avon Park, FL) Hi 75 Lo 55 -- My recovery from my first cataract surgery is going very well. I can now see my laptop screen better, and the letters no longer have the shadowy look I was seeing. My vision in that eye still needs to be clearer, but it’s come a long way. I still can’t see distance, but that will be corrected this Tuesday when I have the second eye done. I’m very happy with the outcome so far. I’m still hoping I won't need to wear glasses after Tuesday.

We've enjoyed getting to know our new neighbors, Jessica and Harry. On Saturday Harry installed a new TV in his basement. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

He was also busy washing his RV and truck.

We just sat and watched. :)

Today (Sunday) was the 50th Anniversary party at the clubhouse to celebrate those who have been married at least 50 years. There were six couples this year. Everyone told the story on how they met, something about their lives, and how they ended up at Adelaide Shores. It’s always interesting as they try to tell funny things that’s happened during their marriage, and answer the age old question, how do you stay married for so long. 

Each couple sat in the seat of honor and a narrator stood behind them and told their story. This is our friends David and Toni.

All six couples.

We all toasted the couples with a cup of juice, then had ice cream and cupcakes. It was a great celebration, and many people attended.

It was a beautiful day so I walked around visiting the neighbors, who were all sitting outside. I got to meet a few people that’s come to the park for a week or two and others that will be here till end of March. It’s suppose to get chilly again and rain tomorrow.

See you in a few days.


Anonymous said...

So glad you are doing well Dee Say hi to Jess and Harry for me we met them when they first let to go full time. Darlene aka Lovely Redhead

Donna W. said...

wow 50 years...surprised there were 6 couples that's a lot of years to be married

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