Saturday, October 25, 2014

Excitement On Base and Grandkids with Pumpkins

(Scott AFB, IL) Hi 72 Lo 48 -- We had so much fun yesterday (Friday) that we didn't get a chance to do a blog post. It was a very warm and pleasant day, and I took advantage of the nice weather and took a walk around the campground. Then we headed out for some errands. We stopped at Lowes to get some boards cut to put under the RV when we get to Florida. Since it sits for several months during the winter we like to have something between the tires and the ground. We also stopped at the Base Commissary and stocked up on groceries.

While we were at the commissary we had just gotten all our groceries scanned when the electricity went off. It came back on right away, but it brought down all the store's computers. We went through some anxious moments wondering if we'd have to have everything re-scanned, but it turned out we didn't. Whew! We then went to another store on base (OK, the liquor store) and fire alarms were going off and all the clerks were standing outside. We had to wait for the base fire department to come and turn off the alarm. The electricity outage tripped fire alarms over a wide portion of the base so we had to wait quite a while. But we were determined to wait it out. A girl needs her wine!  :)



After dinner we headed to son Frank's for a pumpkin carving/s'mores party with the grand boys. They had some friends over and it was fun watching them do something you don't see kids do much anymore... play outside! We also had a great time with Frank and Angie talking about the growing up years.

Frank is cutting the tops off a couple of pumpkins to get them ready for carving.

Kendall (left) and his buddy Clay.

Hearts, one with an arrow through it.

Kyle on the right with his friend Nick.

What the boys lacked in artistic ability they made up for with fun and enthusiasm.

Around the fire pit, Angie, Frank and Jim

It wasn’t long before the boys started throwing the pumpkin guts at each other.

Frank had a nice "campfire in a can" going. The s'mores were great!

We stayed pretty late so when we got home we went straight to bed. We’ll have the boys with us tonight so it’s going to be another late night. We’ll tell you about it tomorrow.


Denis and Sandy Letendre said...

Sounds like you had a nice dad with the family. Those pumpkins were pretty scary

Unknown said...

Fun fun fun, and smores to boot :) Safe travels to Florida.

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 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 52  Lo  36)   I am finding the weeks are flying. I seldom have said that in my whole life. It's already time for anot...