Sunday, July 6, 2014

Goodbye to Carson City and Our Friends

(Carson City, NV) Hi 97 Lo 64 -- Jim went to George's this morning to watch the NASCAR race from Daytona that was postponed by rain last evening. I took the opportunity to sleep in and didn't get up till after 10:00. I watched the rest of the race and had a leisurely morning with the computer. I also did some cleaning and put stuff away for tomorrows move.

This afternoon the four of us went to see the movie "America: Imagine the World Without Her." It gets you thinking about the current state of our country and what we need to do to make things better. The theater was almost full, and the crowd was mostly folks our age. The only problem with movies like this one that present a one-sided view of things is, usually only people who agree with that view go to see them. Sort of like preaching to the choir. It very thought provoking and was the topic of conversation on our way to dinner. We went to Ole Ole Mexican restaurant at our park casino. The food was great, and the portions were huge. We boxed up our leftovers so we have dinner for tomorrow night.

Tomorrow we have to say farewell to our wonderful friends George and Linda. We will be on the move to Redding, California for a couple days. We won't post tomorrow night unless something happens out of the ordinary.

See you in two days.


Dizzy-Dick said...

I am now watching the eliminations of top fuel drag racing. I had gone to the races for over 10 years when they came to this area, but gave up my seats and just watch it on TV. Been there, done that, so know what it feels, smells, sounds like. Nothing like top fuel drag racing, they reach up to 330 mph in 1000 feet, that is less than a quarter mile.

Chuck-Kathy said...

You are going to cook in Redding, just talked to our son in Yuba City, and they are expecting 105+ for the coming week. Good luck, we are wearing sweatshirts here in Alaska.

owensontheroad said...

Oh yeah, Redding in the summer can be brutal! Enjoy the area. There's a good Camping World in Redding if you're so inclined. Of course you'll see Mt. Shasta!

DreamCatcher said...

Enjoy your drive and sending safe travels your way. Stay cool, or try to in Redding!

Bob and Jo said...

Safe travels, Mt. Shasta is gorgeous

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

 Shalimar, FL  (Hi 72   Lo 63)  It's been low 40's this week at night My two year anniversary was Monday for moving into Bob Hope Vi...