Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Trip to Redding, CA

(Redding, CA) Hi  107  Lo 76 -- Yesterday after getting hitched up we went to breakfast with Linda and George, then said our goodbyes. We were all misty eyed as we parted. We'll miss them so much, but we hope to be back if health (and the RV) hold together.

We were on the road a little after 10am for the 225-mile trip to Redding, CA. (Click on photos to enlarge.)

We had an excellent and very scenic trip. The road was curvy and hilly at times, but Jim had no trouble pulling up or down the 6-7% grades. We noticed several lakes and reservoirs that were marked on the map are dry. They look more like sandy deserts.
 2014-07-07 views to redding ca (3)

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2014-07-07 views to redding ca (22)

The mountain views were beautiful, especially this view of Lassen Peak, the southern-most active volcano in the Cascade Range.
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As we crossed the border into California the terrain changed from desert to forest.
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State Forestry workers do a good job of keeping the underbrush cleared, to decrease the risk of fire.
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Some areas had pretty purple wild flowers.
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The road got quite curvy through the Lassen National Forest.
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As we descended almost to sea level we could still see mountains ahead of us.
2014-07-07 views to redding ca (50)

We're at Redding RV Park. I'll post some photos of the park in tomorrow's blog. Today it was cloudy and looked like rain so we decided to stay in. Jim worked on the computer planning future stops in Oregon and Washington. We added the California sticker to the U.S. map we have on the outside of our slide out and on the right side of the blog. Just five more states to go and we'll have stayed at least one night in all 48 states. We’re excited about seeing all the sights in a part of the country where we've never been.

See you tomorrow.


Dizzy-Dick said...

Nice scenery. Love the pictures. You do a great job, wish I were there. My RV is still in the shop.

DreamCatcher said...

Love all the photos and hearing about your trip to Redding. It had been a very long time since I have been on that route.

Gypsy said...

Were you able to stop at any of the sites in Lassen N.P.? There is a lot of thermal activity there. Lassen Peak looks almost naked without all the snow I'm used to seeing on it. Safe travels ahead, and so sorry we couldn't get together.

owensontheroad said...

So excited for you to be in my home state! You'll enjoy it :-)

Bob and Jo said...

We are in Washington for the next few weeks, maybe our paths will cross.

Bill Joyce said...

Redding has a lot to offer. You should have fun.
We are in Western Washington until late August, so we might match up.

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