Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Beautiful Oregon Scenery - Jim and Judy

(Madras, OR) Hi 99 Lo 57 -- It was a short, smooth trip yesterday from Crescent to Madras. The trip took less than two hours so we took our time hitching up.

The mountains are gorgeous in this area, and they all have snow on them. We’ve heard so much about the beauty of Oregon, and we agree. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)




We're staying at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds in Madras. It's a typical fairgrounds RV park, flat, open, and no frills but full hookups. No problem getting our satellite signal.There’s no park wi-fi but we have a strong Verizon 4G signal for our Millenicom hotspot. When we got here we paid for a full week. But a little later the camp host came over to tell us the RV park has to be cleared out by Friday night to get ready for the arrival of fair workers and vendors for next week's County Fair. Jim worked most of this morning trying to find an RV park near Portland with a vacancy for this weekend. Almost all of the parks in that area are full. We don't understand how some people can travel all day and then look for an RV park at the last minute. He did finally find a place in Vancouver, WA, just north of Portland. We were going to go directly to the Oregon coast from here, but our early eviction will now allow us to stop in the Portland area, making for a shorter travel day and a new area to explore.

This afternoon we met with Jim and Judy, our good friends who spent the last two winters with us in Avon Park, FL. They’re work camping at Pelton RV Park, about 15 miles from Madras on Pelton Lake.


There’s a large dam on the Deschutes River that controls the water level of Pelton Lake.



Judy works at the park office.


Jim's work takes him all over the park doing all kinds of maintenance. A big part of his job is making the guests happy. He took my Jim on a golf cart tour of the park.

There are several yurts in the park. They have bunk beds and a table inside.

Boating is very popular at the lake. There is a small marina with a boat launch.


A couple people on surfboards with small motors.

We had dinner at Roxie's Cafe at the marina.


I had fish tacos

Judy’s Jim had a 1/3 lb sausage dog smothered in chili and cheese.

My Jim and Judy had the 1/3 lb cheeseburger.

Jim and Judy's work day wasn't over yet, so after dinner we left to get back home before dark. It was great to see Jim and Judy again. They're off tomorrow so they're going to join us for some sightseeing around the area. See you then.


roamingwhenwecan said...

It's a bit late but we stayed at Stubb Stewart State Park. Think it was halfway between Portland and the coast..It was very nice.

Bill and Nancy said...

If you get the opportunity to visit the Rose Garden in Portland...DON'T miss it!!!

owensontheroad said...

Yes, what Bill & Nancy said, the rose garden! Make sure you get a donut at Voodoo too :)

Anniversary - Ho Hum - Pollen - Sick

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