Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Virginia City, NV

(Carson City, NV) Hi 79 Lo 52 -- It got really chilly last night, getting down to 37, so we need to watch the local weather a little closer to know when to turn on the heat before we go to bed. We’ll learn one of these days. Smile

George had invited us over for his "world famous" pancake/waffle breakfast, so we headed to their place around 10am. We weren't disappointed; they were great! Thanks George, it was a good start to the day! The temperature was warming up to make for a beautiful day, so we decided to take a drive to Virginia City, a town with a long history of silver and gold mining. There are still active mines all around the area, such as this one. (Click on the photos to enlarge them.)
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (1)

Many of the buildings in the area date to the late 1800's.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (14)

You can take a ride on a real steam train.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (21)

No matter how old the town is, they still keep up with modern technology. You see solar panels on the roofs of many buildings, such as this school.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (41)

There’s a large, very old cemetery just outside of town. We walked around checking out the graves, which dated back to the 1860's.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (28)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (33)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (34)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (35)

Several beautiful churches.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (44)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (53)

This is the first Roman Catholic Church in Nevada.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (52)

Views around town.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (47)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (54)

There are a lot of saloons and gift shops along the main street.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (59)

The old TV show Bonanza was set in Virginia City (although it wasn't filmed there). There was no Ponderosa Ranch, but there was a Bonanza Saloon.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (63)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (67)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (69)

2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (81)

One saloon had the "Suicide Table." You can click on this photo and read the interesting story.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (75)

The Suicide Table, protected by a glass cover.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (76)

The mountains in the surrounding area.
2014-06-18 Virginia City, NV (30)

It was another wonderful and fun day. I have a follow-up dental appointment tomorrow, so we won't be doing any sightseeing. We'll post again on Friday.

See you in two days!


Gypsy said...

I don't remember being in VA City for a long time, but remember it as a neat little town.

Jim and Sandie said...

We really enjoyed wandering around Virginia City. It's a lot like Jerome, AZ. I love these old mining towns. Helena, MT is a mining town but it has developed into more of a city now.

Ron and Cynthia said...

Years ago, on our trip to Lake Tahoe, we took the tour of the Ponderosa Ranch. Everything was left exactly the same after the last filming, including where Little Joe last placed his hat on the hat rack by the door. To this day, Ron still talks about that tour.

Bob and Jo said...

Looks like a neat town, thanks for the tour.

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