Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Quail Family

(Carson City, NV) Hi 82 Lo 54 -- Jim caught a cold so we stayed in today. It was really windy and I didn't get out either except for a short walk. It's nice temperature-wise but too windy to walk far.

I worked on crocheting all day and reading blogs. I was getting too far behind. Jim read and watched a Cardinals baseball game on TV.

I looked out our back window and saw a bird on the fence and realized it was a quail. As I was taking a picture of it Jim noticed a mama quail on the ground nearby with a baby chick, then another chick, and then a whole family. Lots of tiny little chicks hopping around on the grass. (Click on the pictures to enlarge them.)

Papa quail

Mama quail and her little chicks

See the video of the whole family

Not much else to report for today. Just a lazy, laid back day.


Jim and Sandie said...

The babies are just so cute and boy are there a bunch of them.

Betty Graffis said...

I love Quails The little top notch on their heads are so cute. So are the babies.

Betty Graffis said...

I love Quails The little top notch on their heads are so cute. So are the babies.

Gypsy said...

There are a lot of little quails there. I don't like to be out in heavy wind, so you are wise to just stay indoors. I worry about Valley Fever, and just stuff you never know is there but you are breathing it.

Speedy said...

We use to have quail around here but the fire ants killed off all of them.

Bob and Jo said...

Now that is a lot of quail.

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