Thursday, June 26, 2014

Back to Reno

(Carson City, NV) Hi 72 Lo 59 -- The wind was chilly today, and it was cloudy but no rain on this side of the mountains.

We went to Reno today to run a couple of errands. There's a Total Wine store there and I'm almost out of wine. I was hoping they'd have some of the wines I bought in the midwest, but they don't carry many regional wines. I guess we'll have to go back to the wineries to get my favorites. We did pick up a couple bottles, and Jim got some liquor.

We had lunch at Joe's Diner.  The food was typical diner fare, but they did have a couple of middle eastern dishes. I had a falafel, which was very good. It's fun to experiment with different foods.

We got back home later in the afternoon. We registered for the RV-Dreams Reunion Rally scheduled for next May. It's for everyone who has previously attended an RV-Dreams rally. We're hoping to see many of the friends we've met at the rallies we attended, including the 2008 rally that started us on our fulltime journey.

While we were watching TV we saw this outside our window. It was amazing looking!

See you tomorrow.


Jim and Sandie said...

That cloud picture is just incredible. All we've seen lately are dark storm clouds. I like yours much better.

Along the Way with JnK said...

Love seeing those clouds out west...not so much in the east since they mean an entirely different thing.

DreamCatcher said...

Awesome cloud photo. You will have to check out the wines in Oregon!

Dizzy-Dick said...

There appears to be a lot of rotation in that cloud. It sure is beautiful and I have never seen anything like it before.

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